
“Paste-up” Parties and the Early Production of Exponent II

Before the digital age, Exponent II was a hand-produced, “kitchen table”-style newspaper. Between much of 1976–1978, Grethe and Chase Peterson hosted the paper's production in their Cambridge home.

Guest Post: The Insidious Exchange of Community for Covenants

"[Jesus] did not live a temple-centered life; he lived a love and humanity-centered life. Following Jesus means subversively fostering community, friendship and love, even when the church itself has ceased to value these things."

A Failed Mother’s Day Post

Blogger Lavender writes, "As a human, my roots are from my mother. Everyone’s roots start within their mother. I forgot how beautifully common that is."

Don’t Gaslight Me – I Know What I Was Taught in Young Women’s in the 90s

Blogger Abby Maxwell Hansen writes, "I’m the product of the LDS Young Women’s program of the 1990s. If there’s one thing I can personally claim expertise on, it’s what women and girls in my generation were told we should do with their lives. It was extraordinarily clear. We were supposed to get married as soon as possible after high school, have lots of babies, and stay at home with those children. Planning for a career or choosing to work outside of the home for any reason other than a complete emergency would be Satan’s plan for my life, not God’s."

Thoughts On Community

We slaughtered two pigs over the weekend on our small hobby farm in New England. Don’t worry, no further details about that.   Our resident expert,...

Forgive Us Our Debts

"Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." Matthew 6:12 Accounting metaphors run throughout the gospel. In the Lord's Prayer, debt is used as a...

Camille Johnson and the Missing Parts of her Working Mother Story

"I don’t think we should forget the distance we’ve traveled to get to this moment. As with many other topics pertaining to the church, it just doesn’t help to ignore past reality. Let’s acknowledge the difficulties, the contradictions, and the ways women have had to wrestle with God, conscience, desires, and authority in the face of negative rhetoric from church leaders about working mothers. Let’s acknowledge the fact that so many statements from church leaders in years past emerged in specific cultural contexts and were reflections of their time and people’s limited understandings is that time."

The Spiritual Nature of All Things

Someone asked me if I thought physics was a spiritual discipline. I had to think about that for a bit, but eventually I told her *yes*...I find it amazing and awe-inspiring to figure out how our universe works.

Lost in the Temple

I have a recurring dream/nightmare where I’m lost in the temple. These dreams started several years before I went through the temple for my endowment and then continued after. 

Guest Post: Dormant

"The brethren have turned away from countless opportunities to learn from the unique perspectives of women and bravely follow their lead. They value the voices of women only to the extent that they echo the voices of the men in charge. They desire the pretty stamp of female approval to seal the words they have already spoken."

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