
Announcement: fMh Exponent II issue available online

Our lovely friends at Feminist Mormon Housewives did a fabulous job on the issue of Exponent II they guest edited this fall.  The hard copies went out on Friday (sorry, they’re sold out now), but you can still enjoy it all online here.

You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll be amazed at the variety of experiences through essays, art, poetry and some delightful fMh satire that they were able to cover in 44 pages!  (Ok, I’m feeling a little cheezy now, but really, it’s just wonderful.)

The Winter 2011 issue is now in production (well, at least, it’s past the Readers’ Committee stage).  To make sure you don’t miss that issue, subscribe now.

And, remember the Spring 2012 issue will be a LGBT themed issue.  We’re hoping for women (and men) to share their experiences as lesbians, gays, or family members and friends of members of the LGBT community.  The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2012.

EmilyCC lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her spouse and three children. She currently serves as a stake Just Serve specialists, and she recently returned to school to become a nurse. She is a former editor of Exponent II and a founding blogger at The Exponent.


  1. Finished reading the PDF version, cover to cover. I must say it was almost all absolutely brilliant. So many heart breaking, heart warming, and encouraging stories. Thanks to all the fmh contributors and the exponenteers for putting this together.

  2. I really loved Joanna Brook’s article where she likens a man’s testimony to his penis. No wonder people in the church are afraid when someone loses their testimony!
    (It’s great really, the entire essay)

    Fabulous and well-done, fMh! I loved the pass-along cards as well. I may have to circulate those in RS one of these days.

  3. I received my hard copy yesterday, picked it up at midnight last night and couldn’t put it down. Nearly woke my husband laughing at the pass-along cards. All of the artwork is fabulous, but especially love the cover. It says so much.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you.


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