A blessing for all of the queer folks

Photo of a Pride festival with a balloon banner and a pride flag in the center and booth canopies on either side.
St. George, Utah did not have a large public Pride festival before 2016. Previously, Pride was held as a small private gathering in Springdale. In 2016, two local high school students were distraught after the Pulse Nightclub shooting and wanted to celebrate Pride locally. LGBTQ+ folks and allies put together an event in the space of about 10 days. This photo is of the setup before 500 people arrived to celebrate Pride in Vernon Worthen Park in June 2016.

This is a blessing
To remind you
With strength and gentleness
That your body is a temple
Whole and beautiful
Worthy and unique.
You need no special documentation
To inhabit it
Or possess it
Because it is entirely yours
Sanctified by a God
Who knows your pronouns
Whose gender is reflected in you
Who loves the people you love.
This God sees your temple body
As sacred and holy.
Misunderstanding men may claim that
A misunderstanding God
Has a different arrangement, strange rules.
But God never left your temple
And is with you
Affirming you
All along the way.

Nancy Ross

Nancy Ross is an art history professor by day and a sociologist of religion by night. She lives in St. George, Utah with her husband and two daughters and co-hosts the Faith Transitions podcast.

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6 Responses

  1. MDW says:


  2. Jayne says:

    This is beautiful and a blessing to me to read as a straight person in how perfectly it affirms all that I have longed to hear about who God is.

  3. Katie Ludlow Rich says:


  4. thank you thank you, beautiful and true, amen

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