A new look!

The Exponent Blog has a new look, just in time for Spring!

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9 Responses

  1. Ziff says:

    Hooray! My favorite parts are the little technical changes. It looks like post authors are now listed automatically and comments now have link anchors. I love it!

  2. Jana says:

    Yep, we’ve been hoping for those changes for awhile. We also just migrated from using wordpress.com to having our own hosted instance of wordpress. This is kind of huge for us (and for me, mostly, since I’m doing the work behind the scenes) since we have so many more options for customization!

  3. Deborah says:

    Yay! Thanks for your (hours and hours) of work on this Jana. I love having you on my team!

  4. Aimee says:

    Just gorgeous, Jana! I can’t even fathom how much time and techno-savvy you have brought to this enterprise. How lucky all of us are to be able to benefit from your generosity and genius! Thank you, lady!

  5. Kelly Ann says:

    Yes, Jana, thank you! It is awesome. I really appreciate all the thought that you put into it.

  6. Tracy M says:

    Wow, so pretty! Nice job!

  7. newt says:

    It looks really, really great. Good work. 🙂

  8. Debra says:

    I love the new design! Do you do websites?

  9. Chandelle says:

    I love the change. I admit to finding the old format challenging to my desire for instant gratification.

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