Announcing the 2019 Exponent II Subscription Drive!


For 45 years now,  Exponent II has been tying Mormon feminists together. Laurel Ulrich called it “a letter from an old friend,” but when I get the magazine in the mail, it’s more like a collection of thoughtful and weighty clippings, insights, poems, and illustrations from the sassiest friends I have. It makes me laugh and cry and feel things. It makes me feel like I belong.

If you aren’t subscribing, you’re missing out on that awesomeness. And if you are subscribing, you know exactly what I mean.

During the Official Christmas gift-giving season (which we maintain starts after Thanksgiving, thank you very much), we’re going to do a little something extra for those of you who subscribe, or renew your subscriptions, or give a subscription to someone you know would appreciate it: our board and bloggers have put our heads together to come up with The Most Coveted Giveaways Ever(TM). We’ll be giving out a super cool feministy item per day to one of you soul sisters–like

  • A Ruth Bader Ginsburg doll hand-crocheted by Margaret Olsen Hemming
  • A hot-off-the-presses copy of Irreversible Things, signed by author Lisa Hadley
  • A limited-edition print of Page Turner’s “Headmistress Harpie” to hang on your very own wall
  • A pair of earrings handcrafted by Polynesian artist extraordinaire Kalani Tonga
  • An exquisite pillow cover made by quilters-in-residence Kirsten Campbell and Pandora Brewer (I’ve seen pictures and it’s fabulous)
  • Sketches and note cards by our very own Linda Hoffman Kimball
  • …and more!

Here’s another piece of info that will make it even easier for you to push the subscribe button: prices will be going up next year to keep pace with our costs, so renewing while it’s still 2019 gets you in under the wire. You can subscribe through our online store here. But don’t do it just yet! Wait until you’ve tucked into some turkey and polished off some pie. Thanksgiving comes first. I know I’m grateful for Exponent II.


On prolonged sabbatical from her career in arts administration, Libby is a seamstress, editor, entrepreneur, and community volunteer. She has a husband and three children.

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