At Home with Exponent II
Mine is a common story; it’s happened many times.
Girl moves to Boston. Girl meets Exponent II. Girl hears the words she’s always thought, but didn’t know how to say. She finds a new language to express the things of her heart. She goes to the retreat and meets other women like her. Girl begins life long friendships.
And there you have it – plain and simple – what Exponent II means to me: a voice, a place, and a soft place to land – always.
Being a feminist in the Mormon church can be a thorny – it can be frustrating, it can mean trips to to the SP to defend ones self, and it can mean a level of shunning. But Exponent II is a network of strong and steady hands – to support and sustain.
And bonus: we have a magazine too! It’s is full of beautiful women’s stories and amazing art. My heart is happy each time it lands in my mailbox.
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I met Exponent II first but other than that, that is my story, too. I’m so glad we share it!