Author: Tirza


Let’s Talk About Solo Sex

Masturbation. A word not everyone is comfortable saying out loud. A topic many people aren’t willing to talk openly about. Something we should be thinking about whether we are single, married, have kids or...


Why “Heavenly Parents” Isn’t Enough

Ever since I was a little girl, I lived in my grandparent’s home. My parents both lived there as well until they divorced when I was 15, and my dad moved out. It was...


When Wandering is Seeking

When Wandering is Seeking Straight.Narrow. Do not veer! But I cannot feel my Motherthrough the rigid asphalt. She is soft, colorful inviting. And forgiving when I stumble. Must I stay on the covenant path?...


Transgender Day of Remembrance

Today is the Transgender Day of Remembrance. It was first held November 20, 1999, marking the anniversary of Rita Hester’s death, an African American trans woman who was killed in her apartment. Now on...