Balancing Act

This picture, taken by my spouse, is emblematic of the craziness of our lives this past few months. So many balls up in the air, so many commitments, so many opportunities, so many tasks filling up our daily To-Do lists. While there’s a thrill to being so busy, there’s also this dreaded sense of “dropping the ball” when urgent tasks take precedence.

I use an excellent Task Management system, Hiveminder, and I diligently update my GoogleCalendar to keep myself organized. But there are some days I wish I could just let all of that go, and just be for awhile without tasks pressing down on all sides. I worry sometimes about the stress of doing so much, but then I realize that I need to keep up the momentum if I hope to be competitive on the job market. There are articles to write, dissertation revisions to make, emails to be written, and a pile of papers that needs my attention. I also insure that I exercise daily and eat well–knowing that my health should be at the top of my personal priorities. But some days by the time I’ve done my laps in the pool, cooked meals, and worked for 8 hours….there’s just nothing left for family, friends, or my self.

*Picture by John Remy, used with permission.


Jana is a university administrator and teaches History. Her soloblog is

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7 Responses

  1. Alisa says:

    I hear ya. Add in some “momnesia” for me and just getting back to work after maternity, and catching up on everything, that I especially have a hard time. Exercising has got to go back on the list of priorities.

  2. EmilyCC says:

    That picture is just so cool!

  3. Brooke says:

    I feel like I’m right in it too – with my grad school semester ending, and spring’s overall busy-ness. It sometimes feels too crazy, and my negative thinking (i.e. things are too overwhelming and they are always going to be this way) gets me down. But I’m getting better at saying “no” to extra stuff (like exercise – haha).

    I think saying “no” is good for my mental health.

    BTW, how did John take that fantastic photo?

  4. Jana says:

    He did it with photoshop. He’s magical, isn’t he? 🙂

  5. Kelly Ann says:

    I feel the same way sometimes … or maybe a lot …

    I love the picture!

  6. Jessawhy says:

    Great post, and great photo!

    You guys are a truly magical couple. How you manage to do so many wonderful things really amazes me.

    Love you!

  7. kmillecam says:

    @Brooke, shun the exercise!

    Jana, I really hear you on this one. I am inspired by all that you do.

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