Closing the Distance

Maddison Colvin | | @maddisoncolvin

The following is the Summer 2021 Letter from the Editor by Editor In Chief Rachel Rueckert. If you would like to receive this issue, please subscribe by July 15, 2021.

In March of 2021, I received a message that my grandpa—who’d been mowing his own lawn the day before—had experienced a stroke. The doctors said he had a few weeks left to live. Because of pandemic safety concerns, I couldn’t visit him in the hospital and needed to wait several more weeks for my full vaccination. I only hoped that he could hold on that long. Like so many who had watched loved ones suffer and pass away during the year, I felt an overwhelming urge to hug him, to hold his hand. That urge only increased, knowing that I couldn’t.

As the old saying goes, we tend to appreciate what we have when confronted with its absence. For many of us, that has meant a period without physical and sometimes even emotional connection with others. In January 2021, The Guardian ran an article about the negative toll a year without hugs has had on our mental health, since “[t]ouch has a huge impact on our psychological and physical wellbeing” and helps us regulate stress and pain. In the words of Diane Ackerman, “Touch seems to be as essential as sunlight,” and in Doctrine and Covenants 88:15 we read that “the spirit and the body are the soul.” At a time when physical touch has been restricted and limited due to social distancing, what have we learned about the significance of touch as embodied souls?

This issue seeks to examine the literal and figurative meaning of touch through the lens of our rapidly changing present with fresh perspective from our recent experience. You will notice a visual, floral motif throughout this issue, starting with Maddison Colvin’s cover depicting two audacious yellow flowers mired in tar behind a glass screen. The natural elements throughout this issue underscore nature and the chance to re-see our environments up close. There are pieces that speak directly to life during COVID-19, such as Dayna Patterson’s poetic invocations and an interview with Debra Marie Reynoso, a nurse. Additional essays include Andi Pitcher’s “Beloved” about a Zoom funeral, Katy Ardan’s “Has Motherhood Been What You Expected?” on postpartum depression, Melissa Ricks’ “Silent on the Stage” about missing performance arts, and Orinda Darling’s “A Fish Story” which examines everything a pet comes to signify. There are also pieces that explore touch more literally, like Sidney Pritchett’s “I Wanna Hold Your Hand,” as well as essays that veer more metaphorical, such as being touched by the kindness of strangers in Cybèle D’Ambrosio’s “The Belle of the French Quarter,” or by the haunt of the invisible ghosts we cannot touch in Judy Ou’s “A Tale of Ghostly Hauntings and Tiger Dreams.”

In the end, I did get to see my grandfather before he died. Thanks to the vaccine, I keenly felt a privilege that many others could not experience: the chance to visit him in hospice each day, hold his stricken, sun-spotted hand, and consider the words of poet Ada Limón in “The End of Poetry”: Enough of the osseous and chickadee and sunflower and snowshoes… enough of the longing and the ego and the obliteration of ego…enough of the air and its ease, I am asking you to touch me.

Regardless of where you find yourself reading this issue—whatever your new “normal”—we hope you will feel touched by these pieces. As the new incoming Editor in Chief, I am grateful for the legendary editors who preceded me and feel humbled by the task ahead. I’m excited for the adventure to come alongside my Managing Editors, Sam Layco and Carol Ann Litster Young. Thank you for trusting us with such an enormous responsibility. Thank you for reading and witnessing.

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2 Responses

  1. carolann says:

    Can’t wait for the summer issue and love the cover art by Madison Colvin!

  2. Katie Rich says:

    I’m so glad you got to see your grandpa one last time, Rachel. I’m looking forward to this issue!

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