Creating Something Out of Nothing

Claudia Bushman holding up her favorite Exponent II issue.

This post comes to us from Exponent II Founding Mother, Claudia Bushman.  

It’s all about connection and working together.  It’s all about having lots of people looking to see where they can fit in and help move the thing along.  It’s all about creating something out of nothing, one of my favorite goals.  It’s all about imagining some kind of beautiful floating dream and then working to establish ladders that hang down and eventually make connections with solid earth, and establish the dream as a reality.  These are some of the ways that I think about the whole Exponent II dream realized, along with its many inspired children.  It’s all about having a vision, the details of which are vividly etched by each person who shares it, leading to some more rich and extended shared reality than any one of them could foresee.  It’s all about working together to create a real past to revisit rather than just a set of unrealized dreams.  It’s all about seeing yourself and everyone else manage to do things that none of you ever imagined you could do.  It’s all about working with the sisters who cheerfully say yes rather than no.  It’s about forging connections that have existed for years and that can be refreshed again at any time.

The above are some of the ways I think about forty years of the Exponent II newspaper and ten years of the blog.  Of course we can do each hard new thing.  Didn’t we do just do this wonderful thing and that?

I congratulate the staying power of the women who have been involved in these operations.  Their hard work and welcoming attitudes have created a community of like-minded sisters who care about each other and a much wider circle of friends all caught up in the Exponent web.  Working together is energizing rather than enervating.  Encouraging the words of others,  listening, responding has created a record that will stand for the future.  All that is good work.  Keep it up!

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2 Responses

  1. EmilyCC says:

    Thank you, Claudia! I’ve learned so much from your attitude and spirit to tackle big things like editing a Mormon feminist magazine.

  2. Ziff says:

    I love this, Claudia. It’s not something I’m good at, so I especially admire in others the ability to imagine what things could be and then bring them to pass. Thanks to everyone at the Exponent, and everyone who has worked on it in the past, for making this excellent dream a reality.

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