Exponent II Call for Submissions
I’m convinced that for the last four years, I’ve had the best job on the Exponent II staff. As Art Editor, my pre-conceived ideas about Mormon art were smashed. I’ve encountered dozens of artists doing gorgeous work and just about every week I have new favorite. I don’t have enough wall space for all the art by LDS women that I would like to purchase. I love that I’ve gotten the chance to communicate with these creative women and share their art through the magazine.
Emily McPhie has contributed several times to Exponent II in the last five years. This painting of hers, “What Would You Do If You Knew You Could Not Fail?” helped inspire me to accept the job as the next Exponent II Editor-in-Chief. We are asking our readers to contemplate this question and then write about it. What would you do if you knew you could not fail? What are you doing that has required courage? What is transitioning in your life? How are you evolving and what have you learned? What is still unclear?
Submit through email to editor@exponentii.org. Submissions should be between 800-2000 words and should be received by May 3. Happy writing!