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Exponent II Retreat: September 18-20

Exponent ll Retreat
September 18 – 20, 2009

Exponent II sponsors an annual retreat for women. Every gathering is designed to be a warm environment for open, honest sharing of life experiences, issues, beliefs, and ideas. The retreat features many workshops, a keynote speaker, discussions on a range of topics, a talent show, spiritual autobiographies, home-cooked from locally grown organic produce.

Exponent II welcomes women who are familiar with our paper to this retreat and is committed to holding an all-women’s retreat.  Please leave your husbands, children (except for non-mobile nursing infants – this is not physically a small-child friendly environment), and pets at home.   We also ask that you come for the entire weekend for a feeling of connectedness and belonging to the group.

If you have any questions regarding the retreat, please call or email Barbara Taylor, saige3tb@yahoo.com, (617) 678-7604.  Updates on the retreat will also be posted on the Exponent II website at www.exponentii.org.

We look forward to a weekend of enjoying nature, making new friends, becoming reacquainted with old friends, and engaging in stimulating and uplifting dialogue. Keynote speaker will be Dr. Marion Bishop.

The Location: This year’s retreat will be held at the Cape Cod Sea Camps in Brewster, MA. This beautiful facility is located just 90 miles from Boston, 35 miles from Provincetown, and 20 miles from Hyannis. Cape Cod Sea Camps provides a central location for easy access to many of the area’s natural attractions.

Basic info:
Date: September 18-20, 2008
–arrive on Friday between 4:00 pm and 6:00 PM (dinner is
at 6:00 Sharp)
–the retreat will close at 3:00 PM on Sunday

Cost: $160
Things to Bring
Shade Hat
Bug Spray
Clothing (hot/cool weather, sun/rain)

Extras you might want to bring:
Rain Gear/Umbrella
Props for Talent Show
Comfortable, light-weight chair


Send to:
Barbara Taylor
4676 Annie’s Way
Pocatello, ID 83202

Print, fill out and mail the form below, or click here (link forthcoming) to register online.
Name: ____________________________
I will be bringing a non-mobile nursing infant: ______
Address: _________________________________
City: ___________________________
State: __________________
Zip: ____________________
Home phone: _______________
Email: _______________________________
Emergency contact name:_______________________
Emergency contact home phone: __________________
Emergency contact mobile phone: ___________________
Talent show contribution: ______________________________________

4676 Annie’s Way
Pocatello, ID 83202


Caroline has a PhD in religion and studies Mormon women.

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11 Responses

  1. Jana says:

    Oh, I love the idea of a gathering in Cape Cod! Can you offer tips to those of us out-of-towners about the closest airport(s) and whether there’s any public transportation that can get us there?

  2. Paula says:

    Can you tell us a little more about the speaker>

  3. Kirsten says:

    Yea! I love Marion!

  4. Caroline says:

    When I have more info about the retreat and the speaker, I will put it up on the blog or provide a link to the Exponent II website. Sorry, wish I could tell you more!

  5. Kiri Close says:

    i’m so there–i just registered online, & will send you (Barbara) my reg fee check.

    can’t wait! it’s been too long.

  6. Jeanne von Zastrow says:

    Closest airport? What kind of accomodations?

  7. Jana says:

    I’m still waiting for airport and public transport info. Please let us know, the deadline is TOMORROW!

  8. Kiri Close says:

    i’m flying into NYC-La Guardia (because I really miss Manhattan & burroughs) then driving (or catching a ride?) over to the retreat. otw back, I will enjoy a whole day in New York City, reminiscing what I have been missing while reveling in the Great Plains.

  9. Janna says:

    Hi Jana – I am fairly certain my mom does not read the blog, so unless you emailed her, she won’t get your comment. You can try her at saige3tb@yahoo.com. In the meantime, you can fly in Logan, then take the Plymouth & Brockton bus from either Logan or South Station to the Cape (looks like the closest stop on that line to Brewster is Barnstable, the town next door, then we can arrange a pick up). You can email the bus at info@p-b.com or call 508.746.0378.

  10. Janna says:

    While I’m at it, as noted above, “If you have any questions regarding the retreat, please call or email Barbara Taylor, saige3tb@yahoo.com, (617) 678-7604.” My dear Mommy does not read the blog! I promise she’s not ignoring you 🙂

  11. Barbara says:

    Hi Everyone. If you have questions about the retreat, there is lots of information on the Exponent II website, which is http://www.exponentii.org Click on the Retreat link and you’ll find a link to register and pay online. For travel information you can go to http://www.capecodseacamps.com and find more.

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