Exponent II’s LGBT Issue Submission request
Exponent II is pleased to announce that our second LGBT issue will be printed in Spring 2012 issue. We’re hoping for women (and men) to share their experiences as lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, or family members and friends of members of the LGBT community. Submissions can include personal essays, poetry, and art and should be between 1000-3000 words. Please email submissions to editor [AT] exponentii [DOT] org. The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2012.
Below is an excerpt from our last LGBT themed issue published in 1996:
Considering all the fuss, its amazing how un-remarkable my life really is—I was raised in southeastern Idaho with the usual piano lessons and tuna noodle casserole. (topped with frozen peas, of course) Now, at thirty-three, I’ve found someone to love. I practice the harmonica while my partner and I travel in the car.
With any luck, I’ll sound “bluesy” when we’re together at campfires this summer.
You know what? I breath more slowly when my partner is near. And I feel more whole. This connection consoles and sustains me. My nightmares seem distant and the perpetual din of controversy around us fades away.” (Exponent II, Vol. 20, No. 1 (1996))
Click here to go to our submissions page for more information.
Is there a reason the LGBT edition is not a LGBTI edition? Intersex people have issues too…