Fasting for a Sister
I am ten thousand times more likely to fast well (i.e. meditatively, prayerfully, soulfully) when I’m doing it for a friend or family member in need.
The lovely women at fMh are gathering the Bloggernacle together to fast for fMh perma, Janet. Crazywomancreek wrote about it here. My favorite line is: We aren’t having a fast for Janet because she is weak and needs our strength; we are having a fast for her because she’s strong and we want to celebrate her strength and add ours to her considerable stores.
I’ve always loved Janet’s posts whether she’s sharing her poetry, sharing stories of motherhood, or more often than not writing to post to celebrate, aid, memorialize someone else, she writes with wit and wisdom. Her work has enriched my life and so, I feel honored to participate in this fast for her tomorrow.