#GivingTuesday for Exponent II
Exponent II is celebrating #GivingTuesday by sharing our highlights of the year. We are stronger, more inclusive, and more vibrant than ever before in the organization’s 46 year history. Today, as we ask you to invest in and support us, we want to give thanks for what this scrappy, tough, loving group has done. We realize that this may be a hard times for many us, so please just give whatever you can. Thank you.
We published four issues of our magazine, which includes essays, art, poetry, and features. We explored many issues relevant to our readership, such as:
- Our annual essay contest will showcase letters–letters from a parent to a child, fictional letters from scriptural characters, letters of grief and joy, and letters to God. We also invited people to submit postcard art to accompany the letters. In this season of distanced connection, we believe this issue will be a welcome literary hug.
- The Summer issue featured entirely women of color artists. It is one of the most stunning issues we have ever published.
- The Spring and Fall issues looked at a diversity of issues, including racism, ancestral lineage, motherhood, social justice, modesty, and grief.
- We continued to grow our online presence — via both our blog and social media. We post daily on our blog, which was founded in 2006. In 2020, our most popular posts were “My Apology for My Complicity” by Monika Crowfoot; “At the Crossroads of Being Black and LDS” by Dumdi Baribe Wallentine; and our series about the WHO-designated Year of the Nurse and the Midwife.
- We also moderate a closed Facebook group with over 5,000 members, including over 900 who joined during 2020. This group shares resources, provides connection, and creates a forum for conversation about topics relevant to Mormonism and intersectional feminism.
- Our new website is about to be released! We’re excited for you to see it.
Will you help?
- Compensate some of the dozens of women who currently offer free or extremely reduced labor for the magazine, blog, Facebook group, and retreat.
- Expand our grant program for women of color artists.
- Increase our scholarships for subscriptions and retreat attendance.
- Explore options for offering more in-person events, like local meetup groups or an additional retreat.
We’re looking forward to 2021 for so many reasons, not the least of which is continuing to build this vital community. Thank you for your crucial help in that work.
I’m so proud of our work to be more inclusive. Thank you for showing how monetary donations will help build a safer and more intersectional space.