Guest Post: Actions Speak Louder

By Sara

When I was a young girl, I read in a book that “actions speak louder than words.”
I didn’t understand.
Actions are actions,
They cannot speak.
But now that I am grown, I finally understand.
I don’t want to hear that I am important in words alone.
Show me.
Listen to me.
Not enough.
You need to hear me.
Really hear me.
And then,
Show me you heard.
Take action.

When I feel weak,
Go ahead,
Tell me that I can be strong.
But even better, give me a chance to exercise my strength.
Where can I shine?
Where can I soar?
Where can I use my particular gifts?
I will do my utmost.
I will give my everything.
I cannot do it all.
I know that.
That’s why you have gifts too.
Our gifts are not based on stereotypes.
Stereotypes cannot and do not tell the full story.
These gifts are *ours.*
Fully ours.
We cannot take credit,
They are, after all, gifts,
But we can wield them.
And so,
When I need your help,
Be there.
I will tell you that you are strong too.
You can lend me your strength.
You can do your utmost.
You can give your everything.
Together, we will harness our strength,
And become stronger than we ever imagined.

Tell me that I am powerful.
But this is not enough.
I need a place to exert my power.
A place where I could domineer if I wanted.
But would I?
I hope not.
I want to lift others,
To help them succeed.
But it would have to be
My choice.
My decision.
My desire.
Not because I was told to desire it.
But how can I make a good decision if I am not given a choice?
Will I ever be given the chance to know,
If I am capable?
At the moment,
your actions are screaming
I am not.

Sara is Community Health Education specialist who currently works as a mom to four zany kiddos. She enjoys reading, writing, and archery. She has a special affinity for anything lovely, whimsical, and bright. 

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2 Responses

  1. Moss says:

    Just beautiful. Thank you.

  2. meg says:

    Love love love this. How much potential is wasted because we have no opportunities to realize it?

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