Guest Post: Come Follow Me: Genesis 5; Moses 6 “Teach These Things Freely unto Your Children”

By Miriam

Miriam is a PhD candidate in Prevention Science at the University of Oregon, mother of 3 girls, and striving to teach her girls that their voices matter.

This lesson is meant to be used for individual and family scripture study in 3-7 minute segments of time – for families that don’t read scriptures any longer than that (my family sure doesn’t). Because it is designed for short bursts of scripture reading/pondering, it doesn’t go into the story that much, but rather focuses on small take-aways. If you’d like a recap of the story of Enoch, read Moses 6 or watch the little video in the Primary manual (depending on the ages of your family and your interests).

Segment: Glorify God

  • In Moses 6:2, it says “Adam glorified the name of God.”
    • What does it mean to you to glorify God’s name?
  • In an Ensign article written by Sister Lynn Ford (who, at the time, was a counselor in her ward primary), she contemplates what this means. She had often wondered why there seemed to be a discrepancy because “It seemed contradictory to me that Lucifer was punished for seeking honor for himself, yet God asks us to honor him[/her].” But as she continued study and prayer, she said, “I discovered a new truth—that such heartfelt devotions to the Most High are actually for our own good. He[/she] has no need for our honors, but our sincere gratitude and devotions to him[/her] help us in important ways as we strive for perfection in our own lives. I learned that we tend to emulate those whom we admire. If we take time daily to ponder God’s greatness, we are more likely to strive to be like him[/her], more likely to repent and become ‘partakers of the divine nature’ (2 Pet. 1:4).”
    • How do you think honoring God might be for our own benefit? In what ways do you honor our God? In what ways would you like to honor God more in your life?

Photo by Diana Simumpande on Unsplash

Photo by Diana Simumpande on Unsplash

Segment: Prayer

  • In Moses 6:4 it says that they began “to call upon the name of the Lord, and the Lord blessed them.”
    • In what ways have you been blessed as you’ve called upon God?
    • Everyone has times when they have more prayers where they feel closer to God than other times. For you personally, when have you had prayers where you felt closer to God? What was the difference between those times and ones where you didn’t feel that closeness? How can we feel that closeness more often?
  • Bonnie H. Cordon (YW General President) in a BYU address said, “recently as I uttered the familiar words to address my Heavenly Father in prayer, I was overcome with a sense of awe. I paused and thought, ‘Who am I to address God?’ But almost instantly, an innate knowledge was rekindled—He is my Father, and I am His daughter.”
    • God is an all-powerful and supreme being, yet God still wants to hear from each of us. How does that knowledge impact us?

Segment: Priesthood

  • Moses 6:7 says, “Now this same Priesthood, which was in the beginning, shall be in the end of the world also.”
  • Sister Sharon Eubank, 1st Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency said in a Facebook post on September 14, 2019,In the Church, we rightly talk a lot about the priesthood, or God’s power on the earth. From conversations I’ve had with women and men over the years, there are some things we get wrong when it comes to understanding God’s power and who has access to it. All men and women who make covenants and keep them have the ability to draw priesthood power into their lives. The real question isn’t “Do you have the priesthood?” but “What are you doing with the priesthood power you have?” The essential nature of priesthood power is to bless and improve the lives of others.”
    • It is common for women (and men) in the church to have complicated feelings about the Priesthood. On the one hand, we may have seen it bless our lives. But on the other hand, it is an unfair hierarchical power structure within the institution. It’s ok to talk about this unfairness! It’s also okay to recognize the blessings we’ve received from the Priesthood even though we have these complicated feelings. It may be nice for your family to take time to discuss their complicated feelings with the Priesthood. It also may be nice to take some time to focus on what Sister Eubank discussed in this social media post. What are you doing with the priesthood power you have?

Segment: Coming Unto Christ

  • Moses 6:23 says of Enoch and his buddies, “And they were preachers of righteousness, and spake and prophesied, and called upon all men, everywhere, to repent; and faith was taught unto the children of men.”
  • Sister Jean B. Bingham (Relief Society General President) said in a conference address, “The more we learn about, have faith in, and emulate Jesus Christ, the more we come to understand that He is the source of all healing, peace, and eternal progress. He invites each of us to come unto Him”
    • Enoch was teaching others about faith and repentance so they could feel the source of all healing, peace, and eternal progress that Sister Bingham described. How have you felt that source of healing, peace, and eternal progress? How have you shared that with loved ones?

Segment: Coming Unto Christ (continued)

  • In Moses 6:33,God was telling Enoch what to teach. Enoch was instructed toSay unto this people: Choose ye this day, to serve the Lord God who made you.
  • In the same General Conference talk as above, Sister Jean B Bingham gave a reason for following this counsel that Enoch was instructed to give. She said it like this, “Come unto Him. I testify that as you center your life on Jesus Christ, you will find joy in your circumstances, whatever they may be. Indeed, “He, only One,” is the answer. Make time and take time to come to know Jesus Christ through studying diligently, developing greater faith in Him, and striving to become ever more like Him.”
    • How has God helped you find joy in your circumstances? How can you choose (likely again) to serve the God who made you? How might making this decision bring joy?
  • In Moses 6:34, God reassures a worried Enoch by saying, “thou shalt abide in me, and I in you; therefore walk with me.”
    • In what ways have you seen God abiding in you and walking with you? How does this abiding together relate to the joy that Sister Bingham described?

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3 Responses

  1. Katie Rich says:

    So refreshing to see a lesson with such a focus on the teachings of women. And I appreciate that you branched out from GC talks here, including social media posts and other forums.

    • I was also impressed that you found quotes from social media! What a great way to expand the canon of words by women in our faith.

      • Miriam says:

        I wish we had more women speaking in General Conference because I see how harmful it is to my girls watching General Conference and wondering why there are hardly any women speaking there (sigh). But since women aren’t speaking much there, I guess finding what they say elsewhere is necessary.

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