Heavenly Mother’s Day: Sunrise on a Yearning Female Soul
Sunrise on a Yearning Female Soul
Cold bears down.
I fall upon my knees in prayer.
Enduring, hollow winds that fill these my broken bones and empty spaces.
I grieve in silence, “Father, where is my Mother?”
Minutes pass, these endless seasons.
My winter-minutes leaving me alone.
Still I pray, I pray and watch.
The signs of life and subtle embers, warmth is sure to come …
Just as my frigid body shutters, one last hope and struggle,
I feel the gathering rays of sunlight break the darkness of my winter.
Flecks of gold distilling, land gently through my shoulders.
Familiar love enshrouds me with this glorious cloak of light.
The specks of dust drift through the radiant beams,
those peaceful emblems of a universe that cares.
My Father hears me. My Mother’s here.
My winter hollow lifted. My soul ignites forever this last time.
The light that heals me, fills every crack and hollow place.
Enduring prayer to God my Father, let me feel the love of God my Mother,
through the lonely gift of He, my brother. I am She, the mighty Sister.
To know my Father, is to feel my Mother.
To know my Brother, is to feel MY power.
For today, it is enough. On this eternal day, it fills me up.
Dressed in royal robes of light, I will never break again. This gift is given only once.
I now stand up, and call upon my sisters.
Take in these emblems of our universe that cares. Feel the love of Heaven’s family.
Unsheathe your sword and speak His words, dress your might in furious words of truth.
Fight back the night, and emptiness of hell with me.
Give yourself to daylight and the fiery rays of sunlight, and yearn no more.
There is so much lovely imagery here…a gift I wish I had. Thank you for sharing this here, Domestic Philosopher. I hope we’ll hear more from you again.
Yes, I enjoyed this poem, Domestic Philosopher. I think many of us women have wondered in darkness and silence where our Mother is. My favorite line in your poem is this one: “I am She, the mighty Sister.” I love this idea of being peers with Jesus.
Beautiful and heartfelt. Thank you for this lovely poem.