Help for WAVE
One of the comments in a recent Exponent post lamented that LDS WAVE had great promise but had not met expectations. I was sad to read that, but could see some truth. It’s not for lack of desire or ideas, but for lack of people to help. I’m posting here to see if we can find more people who want to participate in WAVE, both on our current project and on the board.
We have a small board and most of us are also Exponent or fMh bloggers and/or magazine staff. In addition, we’re doing the regular Mormon thing, many of us in school, with an average of 3 kids at home. Of course this isn’t meant to excuse us from not making Mormon Feminist Advocacy a priority, but it’s just a fact of life that some of the balls have to drop sometimes.
So here’s where we’re at. We have another booklet in production. Our first was Words of Wisdom, a quote book featuring topically organized quotes by women. This one is called Growing Together, Increasing LDS Women’s Participation at the Local Level. Caroline started with a great post, then Chelsea wrote a great draft, Stefanie and Lindsey created the cover, and now we are trying to get this booklet finished. Fortunately, we’ve had some great friends reach out to help provide feedback and collect examples. Now we need to pull it all together.
The booklet is currently divided into a section for women and a section for church leaders. There is a bit of overlap (Speak up! Give women opportunities to speak!) and we have many examples from our home wards in Arizona, Washington, and Baltimore.
Our plan:
1. Add more examples to categories such as, valuing women’s voices, callings, women’s councils, etc. We are looking at having a committee to do this part.
2. Have a few friends who are in church leadership positions review the draft for tone and content.
3. Create an index and proofread.
4. Publish. We’ve put the last booklet on Lulu, where people can print or buy a copy for themselves.
We are hoping to find a way to make this a living document as well so people can continute to add examples.
Additionally, another focus we’d like to try with WAVE is to help create local Mormon feminist groups. This would be a departure from our publishing past, but still within our mission of advancing gender equality in the LDS church.
Please let me know if you’d like to help by being on the editing committee for this book, or participating on the board, or both.
I just finished proofreading and creating an index for a book, so I know how to do that in Word, if that is helpful.
That would be awesome. I will put you down for that 🙂
thank you
I can help proofread/edit. Maybe help publish also, but I’d need more detail in what exactly you’re looking for. I’d be a better editor though.
Thanks for volunteering. I’ll send you an email with more information.
I’ve got pretty good InDesign skills, and I can edit, format, do layout, etc. there. I can also technically index on InDesign, but I’d need to give myself a refresher course on the technicalities. I could write something as well, probably. Let me know what you need. I’d love to be a bigger part of WAVE. I’ve got a good eye for copyfitting as well. FWIW, Provo/Orem has a pretty decent WAVE group.
This is awesome. I’ll include you on the email as well.
Thanks for volunteering! I don’t know anything about InDesign, so that sounds like it would be a great help.
Also, I’d love to hear more about your WAVE group.
I would like to join and help where needed whether on a committee, board, or reviewing publications.
I would *love* to add my editing skills to the project as well.
I met Libby a few months ago and we talked about how I might be able to help with WAVE, so I’m excited to see this post! I can write, edit, do layouts in InDesign, etc. I’m also up for joining a committee or board.
I just have to say that I love Lindsey’s tree art you are using on the cover, a copy of which sits here on my desk.
My husband was recently released from serving nine years in our stake presidency, and he says he would be happy to read through the draft for tone and content. (He is also a professional technical writer, so you would get another proofreader too.)
I know the art is really beautiful. Last time we made the art available for purchase separately, I think we’ll try to do that again this time.
You guys are just making my day. Thanks so much!
Expect an email by Thursday.
I would love to help participate with this. I could help on the board or on a committee.
I would love to help out with WAVE. I have been following it since its inception and have often thought about getting involved but not sure how I can best contribute. I find I sometimes have ideas and then they get burried in my never ending “to-do” list. Please contact me to discuss. I would be interested in learning more about the board, local groups, the booklet or other involvement.
I sent WAVE an email begging to be involved as soon as I first heard about it. I’ll do whatever you want.
Thanks for all your comments, I hope that I’ve got everyone. If you don’t get an email from me by Thurs or if you get to this post later, please email me- info at