Illuminating Ladies 2nd Edition


Under other circumstances, dozens of women would right now be arriving at a camp deep in the woods of New Hampshire, ready to spend two too-short days sharing and listening to Mormon women’s voices. While we desperately wish the state of the world allowed for us to gather this year, we—like you—are willing to make this sacrifice. 

Fortunately, today has a bright spot, as we have a new offering that is continuing Exponent II’s dedication to sharing women’s stories: a second edition of Illuminating Ladies: A Coloring Book of Mormon Women, now available to pre-order here:

The first edition was printed in 2017 in honor of the 175th anniversary of the founding of the Relief Society to celebrate the lives of Mormon women from the Restoration to the modern day. The first edition has since sold out.

Illustrations and full-page bios include figures of pioneering women who are both familiar and less well known, like Jane Manning James, Amy Brown Lyman, Julia Nompi Mavimbela, Emma Smith, and Eliza R. Snow. The second edition includes all 25 women from the first edition as well as two new women: Olene Smith Walker and Perla del Carmen Sepulveda Rivera Garcia. 

Beautifully illustrated by Molly Cannon Hadfield with accompanying biographical sketches written by members of the Exponent II community, this coloring book offers both the young and young at heart a lovely new way to learn more about these inspiring Saints.

Pre-orders will be open until October 10th. After that, we will have a limited number of copies for sale on our website. The expected ship date for all pre-orders is the first week of November. Please understand there may be printing or shipping delays beyond our control due to COVID-19.

Purchase personal and gift copies now!


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2 Responses

  1. Heather says:

    I’m so excited. Just ordered 5 for $55! I will give to my primary class.

  2. EmilyCC says:

    Hooray! I cried last year when I gave my last copy of the first edition to a friend for Christmas, and I may have spent a little too much time determining if I could part with it.

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