Mormon Feminist Lunch at Sunstone
Come have lunch with your favorite Mormon feminists from across the Bloggernacle!
Saturday, August 3rd at 12:30 pm
(immediately after the 11:00 to 12:30 session)
Grab your box lunch* at the registration table and meet at the armchairs nearby. I’ll be holding a bigger version of the picture on the left here, so we’ll be easy to spot.
And, make sure to visit the Exponent II table in the Sunstone book room to purchase reusable grocery bags, past issues of Exponent II magazines, and our book, Habits of Being: Mormon Women’s Material Culture–all at discounted prices!
*Make sure you’ve ordered your boxed lunch today (here if you haven’t already) since the food court is closed on Saturday.
Thanks so much for organizing this, Emily! I’m really looking forward to it!
Today is the last day to order the boxed lunch. I believe this is the right link: