My ‘Counterfeit’ Temple Marriage: Married to an Asexual/Aromantic partner

Growing up in the church, I learned that marriage was a big deal. God had a plan that included marrying in the temple, which was to be for eternity. Without this one could not get into the celestial kingdom. I didn’t need all the years of indoctrination in the Young Women’s program, I liked boys. As long as I can remember I had crushes on boys and wanted to grow up and get married. I did so at my first opportunity.

I had known him for over a year and we had a lot of similar interests and had spent time together on a BYU study abroad. The next step seemed natural. He never proposed, but we had a ‘defining the relationship’ talk that ended in a decision to marry. Within 3 months we found ourselves married. I was barely 20. We were extremely chaste. He didn’t kiss me when we were engaged, or even at the temple wedding. I thought he was super righteous and had excellent self-control. This was precisely what I had been taught was a worthy dating relationship, to prepare for a temple marriage.

We were naïve virgins. So, needless to say, the honeymoon was bad. When we finally had sex, I tore. It was mechanical and painful for me. I occasionally tried to act seductive, but he would ignore me and look away, so I blamed myself. I knew I must not be attractive enough. I did try to do a little reading to find out more, but I felt guilty for my curiosity about sex, even as a married woman. I spent so many nights in tears, while he ignored my silky nightie, rolled over, and went to sleep. For the first few years I tried to make myself into what he wanted. He asked me not to wear makeup or shave my legs. I complied with both of those for a time. I got rid of my clothes he didn’t like. I did all the cleaning, grocery shopping, and cooking while we were both full time students and part time employees. Over the years, children came. I was exhausted and invested in caring for the family. I didn’t often allow myself the luxury of considering my own happiness in the marriage. I spent a lot of time studying how to be a better wife and wasted my time on things like “The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands”, which promised that a man just wanted a pretty and amiable wife to take care of his needs and he would do anything for her. I specifically remember the phrase ‘he will swim through shark infested waters to bring her a glass of lemonade’. That wasn’t what I wanted precisely, but I was needy. The advice was useless. If I put on makeup, dressed up, and flirted with my husband, he continued to laugh nervously under his breath and look away.

The years passed. I was married 17 years when my faith crisis culminated in a decision to leave the church to try to salvage my mental health. I feared it would mean the end of my marriage, but it didn’t end up doing that. It was such a relief at first. But leaving the church also meant my worldview was crumbling and I was finally being honest with myself about my life. I started to speak my mind to my husband instead of trying to ‘never complain’ like a righteous wife is supposed to do. I learned to begin looking at my own shadows and work on my issues. I also allowed myself to release the sexual shame I had been indoctrinated with.

I spent a lot of time investigating and trying to name the problem with our marriage. It wasn’t just that we didn’t date. He had always treated me as a roommate more than a wife. I had long suspected my husband was a homosexual, but he denied it. I got him to read a book of Carol Lynn Pearson’s “No More Goodbyes” which helped him lose his homophobia, but he still didn’t think he was gay. Two years ago I thought maybe he was asexual, but he didn’t think it was that. It wasn’t until last month that I got him to read about asexuality and he finally came to understand what it meant and admitted that did feel right to him.

He is asexual and aromantic. He just doesn’t have those feelings. Not for me, or for anyone. He has never missed me when I’m gone. He has never pined to be touched. He has never enjoyed kissing. He has never wanted my attention, has never wanted to talk to me and share his feelings, and has never wanted sex or thought about it during his daily life. He thought he wasn’t asexual because he could respond sexually on occasion, but he has never had any romantic feelings of any kind. He is indifferent. He could not receive my affection or give it in return. I had been pouring my love into a void.

So here we are. Almost twenty-one years into a marriage. My bucket has been so empty for so long. I have been depressed and lonely. My marriage feels like a sham. People see us together and assume we are in a normal relationship. But the fact is, although I am in love with him, he loves me the same way he loves his siblings or friends. He resents my emotional and physical desire for him in the same way I resent his cool distance and disinterest.

We were raised in a system that expected nothing less than eternal marriage. He was a dutiful Mormon boy, and didn’t ever have the curiosity about himself to find out that he was different from other boys. He still wants to call himself normal. And I guess he is. Asexuality is a normal expression of human sexuality. It is present in a certain percentage of the population, as is homosexuality, or bisexuality. Why would God make a plan that requires 100% of the people to be in a heteronormative marriage, and then make 10% of his children with different sexual orientations?

Where the only acceptable marriage is one between a man and a woman, mixed orientation marriage becomes necessary. Lately the church has stopped encouraging mixed orientation marriage as a way to ‘cure’ homosexuality, but it still hasn’t approved any other ‘plan’ for people who don’t fit the narrative. Bisexuals are in a privileged position if they are able to contract a marriage with a ‘suitable’ (aka: opposite sex) partner. The policy for gay people now is that they are to remain single, not even to date those they are attracted to. So though they have the same desire to love and be loved as most people have, the only acceptable marriage option is with someone of the opposite sex. This creates mixed orientation marriages. Within a church context, asexuals may fly under the radar if they recognize they have no desire for a relationship and don’t enter into one, but they will always be considered ‘singles’ looking for a marriage, because marriage is ‘required’ to get into heaven. It’s not just an option for people who would enjoy married life, but is considered necessary for salvation. But how can you hope to be happy together for eternity if you are miserable in this life? In a mixed orientation marriage, you are sacrificing your happiness to try and fit yourselves into a prescribed mold. I feel like I’ve spend more than 2 decades squeezed into the wrong mold. I ache to be loved as I love. And not just by anyone. I want it to be the father of my children. But he is not capable of that. And I can’t fix it. No matter how cute I make myself, no matter how well I cook, no matter how clean I keep the house, no matter how interesting the conversation, how charming the flirting, there is nothing I can do to make my husband love me, or for us to connect romantically.

At this point we are talking about divorce. I have been so unhappy for so long, but I haven’t prepared myself to take care of myself. I have been 100% invested in fixing my marriage. I have been caring for our 8 children. My youngest just turned 4. I haven’t worked outside the home for over 16 years. My husband doesn’t make a lot of money. Divorce is expensive. My health insurance comes through my husband’s employer. Housing in our area has doubled in price in the last 5 years. I fear I am economically crippled for the rest of my life from my years spent at home. I have no idea how to find the resources I need to change my life. Particularly now with 7 kids schooling at home during this pandemic.

How do you make a choice about which dream to grieve? I always wanted a loving marriage and nuclear family. I was taught to want these things, but I embraced those dreams fully. Do I divorce and give up the dream of the nuclear family in order to look for the loving partner? Do I stay with my husband in our mixed orientation marriage and give up the dream of ever being in a reciprocal loving relationship? I have not been happy throughout our marriage. It has never felt right. But there is no guarantee that I will find another straight man to love and be in a relationship with. The specter of complete loneliness and single parenthood scares me to death. The possibility of never being with someone who wants to be with me breaks my heart. How do I determine what is right for my children in all this? Where can I find hope?

I know the church did not make me marry this man. But it did teach him that he must marry. And he had to marry someone. Someone had to be sacrificed. And he didn’t know enough about himself to give me a head’s up and make an informed decision. I was young. I had never been in another serious relationship. I was taught to eschew a physical relationship before marriage, so I had no idea it wouldn’t feel right. I had nothing to compare it to. I was taught that marriage was the pinnacle of my religious duty. That the fruits of a righteous life were a happy fulfilling marriage and family life. How was I to know any better? And now that I do, how can I fix my life?

Church leaders have from time to time talked about ‘counterfeit marriage’. The first reference I found was in 1981 when Boyd K. Packer talked about living together as a ‘counterfeit marriage’. In 2006, David A. Bednar said “the devil has attempted to combine and legally validate confusion about gender and marriage. As we look beyond mortality and into eternity, it is easy to discern that the counterfeit alternatives the adversary advocates can never lead to the completeness that is made possible through the sealing together of a man and a woman, to the happiness of righteous marriage, to the joy of posterity, or to the blessing of eternal progression.” He promises that “The ultimate blessings of love and happiness are obtained through the covenant relationship of eternal marriage.” I find it so interesting that the church has coined this term ‘counterfeit marriage’. This description perfectly fits what it feels like to be in a mixed-orientation marriage.

I was sealed in the temple to a man. I was worthy and honored my covenants. I didn’t get the blessings of love and happiness through my covenant relationship. I feel like that temple sealing WAS a counterfeit marriage. We were coming from the paradigm we had been taught, that any righteous man and woman could make a marriage work. My husband was doing what he was taught, and marrying worthily in the temple. He never had the option of not marrying. But in being obedient, created a marriage where love and happiness became impossible for me. My self-esteem was eroded painfully over time. Every time I tried to talk to my husband about our marriage problems, he said he was fine and happy. It was gaslighting, even if he didn’t know it. I had been raised in a culture where I had been taught NOT to trust my intuition, and I felt there was something wrong with ME that I just couldn’t be happy and satisfied. The growing depression that stemmed to a great deal from my situation was MY fault. I started as a girl afraid and ashamed of my sexuality. When I matured and tried to embrace it, my husband was repulsed and rejected me. I hated myself. I became a shell, disgusted by my touch-starved and seemingly unlovable body. I didn’t feel any affection and eventually complained loudly. Why was I so undeserving of love from this good man who I so adored? Why would God command me to marry and never bless me with any of that marital happiness that was supposedly waiting for the righteous? I also viewed my husband as a broken straight person, instead of the perfect asexual man he is. I didn’t see that the occasional simulated acts in the dark were taking a toll on him, just as they were taking a toll on me. It was not just unpleasant, but corrosive and toxic. We were both taught to value long-suffering.

In 2017, Larry R. Lawrence talked about Satan’s counterfeits as well. He calls lust a counterfeit for love. I have to disagree. As a married woman, I have to say lust is a part of love. I wish my husband would lust for me. I want to be desired physically. I ache to be touched, and not just compulsorily or reciprocally, but spontaneously and tenderly out of a fullness of feeling. For me, that is part of a mature and loving marriage. Further, he says “Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God, but same-sex marriage is only a counterfeit. It brings neither posterity nor exaltation. Although his imitations deceive many people, they are not the real thing. They cannot bring lasting happiness.” Bringing posterity has nothing to do with happiness and exaltation. Unmarried teenagers regularly ‘bring posterity’. My asexual husband and I have ‘brought posterity’. On the other hand, plenty of righteous couples end up being infertile. Why would conceiving children have anything to do with it? I am so tired of the church telling people who to love and promising that only one formula for marriage can bring happiness. I am sure some people will continue to say I have been unhappy because I did something wrong. But I didn’t. I was playing by all the church’s rules. Did Jesus ever say we had to get married and have children to get into heaven? I think he taught kindness. I think he said love one another. Perhaps he even taught us to question religious authorities. Listen carefully to the sermon on the mount, I don’t think he said “Only marry someone of the opposite sex and make sure you are both fertile”. LDS teachings on marriage and family are a false idol that needs to be torn down. Stop coercing unsuspecting people into mixed-orientation ‘counterfeit’ marriages. They lead to despair and heartbreak, sucking away life instead of giving it.



Chiaroscuro is a play of light and shadow. Finding noisy messy lovely life in all the shades between.

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23 Responses

  1. Tobia says:

    Thank you so much for this heartfelt article. I can relate to so many of the feelings you’ve described here. I had no idea that there was such a thing as asexuality until I came across it in — of all places — fanfiction, and after a while, I decided that it was describing my husband. I, too, ache to be touched and desired, and to find that great and deep connection that comes from melding bodies and minds … if there even is such a thing. But above all, I wonder what this will mean in the eternities. Will he always be asexual, for time and all eternity? What will that mean for us as a couple?

  2. Brian G says:

    I was tempted to try and give some advice, but then I thought better of it as I don’t really know what is the right thing to do. This was a raw and brave thing to write and I hope you find a good resolution to this challenge. I have enjoyed your writing on this blog over the years and you seem brave and strong. I have no doubt you will pull through this stronger than ever.

  3. PJ says:

    Wow. This. All Of This. You are ready for a break through! Sounds like in about everything. This is so exciting for you! You can do it! Follow your heart! You have so much to discover and continue to learn! And YES!! I believe this is all part of the plan. Individual growth and discovery. No more will you be held back! It is possible! Your happiness is possible! Stay true to yourself! ❤️ Trust your instinct! There is so much life to live!!

  4. Lily says:

    If you add up all the never married, divorced, and unhappily married, the majority of the Church does not have a happy temple marriage. If you figure in all of Heavenly Father’s children, almost nobody has these blessings. I wish the leaders would focus on principles that apply to all of us and quit making everything about marriage.

  5. Abby Hansen says:

    I loved reading this, because you bring up so many good points and are an example of soul searching and growth. I also ache for you because I know how difficult a situation you’re in. Thank you for being so honest and vulnerable. Sending you lots of love. <3

  6. Simon says:

    This was a heart wrenching read. I can’t imagine how hard it must have been for both of you. Or how you begin to decide your future. May God bless you both.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for sharing your story. I know from my own experience of loss of love and divorce you can find what you are missing in so many other kinds of relationships. Marriage is challenging no matter how much you love or have in common with your spouse. I for one, stay in my second marriage because we are friends and we have agreed to give each other what each needs. This may not be your path-the good thing is now, you can choose it. Wishing you the best outcome.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I ache for you. I was in a temple marriage for 12 years to a man who had no sexual interest in me whatsoever. He finally did me the ultimate favor and left me, otherwise I’d probably still be suffering in that marriage. It took years for me to recognize that his lack of interest had nothing to do with me. Many years later, I am now married and sealed to a man who loves my soul *and* my body. I can’t advise you on what to do. But whatever you decide, I hope you can come to know that his lack of sexual interest is in no way your fault. Your need for a fully sexual union with your spouse is not only valid, but God-given. Your sexuality is part of your divine nature. You deserve to be with someone who can share that with you. (And perhaps he would be happier with an asexual partner.)

  9. Kim says:

    Your husband’s behavior, as described in this post and others you’ve written, makes me wonder if, beyond being asexual, he might have a personality disorder. Your story is heartbreaking.

    • Chiaroscuro says:

      This comment stuck with me and we realized several months ago he is also mildly autistic. Which doesn’t make things easier, but helps explain some of our fundamental differences.

  10. Steph G. says:

    This is shaming to the Ace community. I’m horrified it’s been published here. To the author, please do some work to understand your bias and the ways you’re harming the Ace community with your words. Your experience of pain does not entitle you to shame and give pain to others.

    • TopHat says:

      She puts the blame on the system, “We were raised in a system that expected nothing less than eternal marriage,” and then continues to outline the messages the Church gives that lead to her situation. She’s not blaming her Ace husband or the Ace Community.

    • Dev says:

      Neither knew what they were getting into. There was no malice in either of their intents, and the author has made this abundantly clear. There is validity in being hurt, and sharing your story of pain that an awful establishment (the m*rm*n cult) has thrust upon you and your loved ones. Her story is one of being sheltered and lied to yes, but not by her husband. He took the right steps, too. He grew up a straight laced (and brainwashed) son of Zion and married a beautiful woman in the temple and produced eight wonderful children. Those are all lines on the Mormon checklist of success, and he checked them all and more, I’m assuming. Instead, he is probably feeling just as unfulfilled as his husband, the author of this article, betrayed by the faith that I’m also assuming raised him, raised his wife, his children. Being aroace (aromantic and asexual) doesn’t make you void of sympathy, though, and I have no doubt he feels regret for hurting the author, struggled and likely still struggles with similar feelings of inadequacy. The author never once blamed him for their situation, but continually returned to the harm done by encouraging, even enforcing mixed orientation couples, as it hurts all parties involved. So no, this isn’t any form of aphobic slander
      An aroace exmo

  11. Maureen M Haehnel says:

    I could have written this in many respects. I am so very sorry for what you have experienced. I was temple married at 20 with no sexual experience and 30 years later he told me he is gay. And by now our finances and lives intertwined that leaving means sure poverty and needing to work far past the point where my compromised health can. So I stay, trying to lift myself up in love because no one else ever will. And I more and more feel like the church is kind of pointless in my life. I did what I was supposed to do. Where are the blessings?

    P.S. this is not shaming the Ace community. This is giving a voice to the voiceless, what is sometimes called the str8t community. We did not knowingly sign up for our mixed orientation marriages. And we have needs too.

  12. Ziff says:

    Thanks for sharing this, Chiaroscuro. It’s so sad that the Church’s one-path-fits-all approach makes it so difficult for an asexual person like your husband to understand himself, particularly when the pain then also extends to so many people around him, like you.

  13. Sarah says:

    Thank you for this article. I’ve been married for 11 years. My husband is asexual but not aromantic. It is, however, getting to the point where I want to leave and even break my temple covenants to save my mental health. Do you think a sex therapist can help?

  14. Dev says:

    Hi! I recently came out as aroace (aromantic and asexual), and although I knew I was asexual at a much younger age and was able to examine it and decide how it fit into my life, I only recently realized I am aromantic. I too am married, but much younger, and into an already queer relationship, having left the church as soon as I was out of the house. I don’t know if mine will work out at all, but it would be much easier, as we don’t have kids and both work, so I can’t entirely understand your situation. I do suggest, however, to talk about opening up your relationship. Maybe you are monogamous, but monogamy is a practice, and you can change what you practice pretty much at any given moment. You may be so in love with your husband it tears you apart, and it seems it is, but as you have also said, he cannot give you what you need. You have a family you are schooling on your own, kids to feed and clothe and shelter and love and teach along side yourself, and those are all very important things. If you talk to your husband (and the therapist you hopefully have) about your needs, I think it could work out well for you to begin seeing other people that can and will desire you as you wish and deserve to be. You can stay with your husband, at least until you are all ready for a split, if you choose, but also have the opportunity to meet new people, experience (what I’m assuming is) the thrill of not only wanting but being wanted in return. Even if it’s just casual encounters, one night excursions or monthly events, you might be fulfilled by just those fleeting moments with others alongside your long term marriage, for stability. Maybe you don’t like it, and if it’s not for you, it isn’t, and that’s perfectly fine, but plenty of people find that just one person can’t fill all their needs, and with your circumstances, it may just be what you need, either to transition out of the marriage, or to find a new dynamic that fits your love and sex lives.
    Whatever happens, I do wish you all the luck ❤️

    • Chiaroscuro says:

      Thank you for your kind words. I have been wrestling with this for a long time and for now it doesn’t work for me. I have heard from others that it can really help some similar relationships

  15. Sudrakarma says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your story. I’m navigating the same territory (without the religious component) after twenty years of marriage and it’s a tough spot to be in, and even tougher to figure out what to do next.

  16. YoureNotTheOnlyOne says:

    Thank you SO SO SO much for pouring your heart out into this blog post. I’m in a nearly identical situation (except Catholic, but with similar religious culture and training). It is so excruciating. I have decided to get a divorce, which I was taught is a fate much much worse than death, like the worst thing you can do. After 14 years, something inside of me just broke and I couldn’t keep up the sham any longer. I could finally see how I was raised to believe in my own worthlessness for anything other than being a good wife and mother… and how the things I’d put up amounted to insanity. My husband was also generally kind and friendly in a platonic way. I used to tell myself it didn’t matter if I was deeply unhappy, and I tried to make myself feel better by knowing I wouldn’t raise my own children to believe in this system, that it would “die off” with me. I would be the last one in the line. I think I finally just love myself enough to know my own deep unhappiness at living in a fake relationship and facing daily rejection is enough to indicate something is not right here. In fact, the whole system is rigged: I was required to work quite hard to repress my own sexuality my whole life until I was old enough to get married. And of course the ONE THING I could only do with my husband for the rest of my life was the ONE THING I was not allowed to test out ahead of time and immediately once married I could not get out? I knew there were problems on the honeymoon, but I’d been told so many times that it wouldn’t be smooth right away but if we loved each other we would work it out. Anyway, I’m done with that. I’ve filed for divorce. I feel a combination of lightness and awfulness. Some days it is unbearable and I google things that lead me to blogs like this. THANK YOU for being a stranger willing to tell your innermost secrets here so I could feel some companionship on a day that has been hard. You have helped me so much. I think we all need to tell our stories so more young people will realize it is important to figure out if your significant other is straight or not before marrying them (didn’t cross my mind once when I was dating.) Also, it’s good to have these stories out here so the ones who are googling this early on in their marriage know that it might be best just to call it early and get out because these things aren’t remediable even after you try everything under the sun for years and get therapy. etc.

  17. Molec says:

    Thanks for your article. I live in a similar relationship. We are both strong members of the church married in the temple. My wife has no sexual desire for me. It’s hard sometimes but sex isn’t everything and I’m so grateful for my 4 kids. Your description of wanting to be desired is shared by many it seems, including me. I have improved my body with exercise and it’s so hard to feel sexually undesirable by the person that’s closest to you. Gratefully we love each other. I wish you the best.

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