Online Subscriptions Are Up! Read the Women and the Priesthood Issue Today!

keep-calm-and-click-subscribe-2Forty years ago, the women responsible for Exponent II used Xacto knives and rubber cement to paste up issues of the newspaper.

Technology has changed since then, and so has Exponent II. We’re thrilled (yes, thrilled!) to announce that we now offer online subscriptions. While this means that the magazine won’t be free to read online any more, it also means that subscribers who love their e-readers (sheepishly raising hand) can take Exponent II with them in PDF format anywhere, print out copies of articles for friends, and even read the magazine before print copies arrive in the mail–all while knowing that you’re supporting the publication of Mormon women’s voices.

Online subscriptions are just $10 annually ($5 if you act quickly) and allow you access to four issues. To subscribe, visit our new store at You can pay with a credit card through PayPal, and you can read the Women and the Priesthood issue immediately.

If you’re already a print subscriber ($28/year), online access is included in your subscription. Look for information on the mailing label of your new issue for information about logging in and viewing the magazine online.

Heather has written recently about the importance of this issue, and I’ll add my $0.02: I read printer’s proofs of the Women and the Priesthood issue they day before we all learned that Kate Kelly had been summoned to a church court. It gave me goosebumps then, and when I heard Kate’s news the next day I got goosebumps again. Whether or not you support Ordain Women’s mission or tactics, it’s undeniable that the organization’s message gave all of us concerned about equality within Mormonism a freedom to discuss women’s issues. This issue is a beautiful snapshot of that freedom: individual writers fall all over the spectrum on women’s ordination, but every essay is full of light and fresh air, and free from the fear that so often has accompanied discussion of women’s places in our society. You’ll read about feeling a call to minister, about sisters giving one another blessings, about sisterhood across religious traditions, and about what equality might look like. This is one of the best things I’ve read all year. I hope you read it, share it, and keep talking about it. The conversation about women and the priesthood isn’t over.


On prolonged sabbatical from her career in arts administration, Libby is a seamstress, editor, entrepreneur, and community volunteer. She has a husband and three children.

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3 Responses

  1. EmilyCC says:

    If you already bought your subscription and have an online account, you can go to our store, enter your account info, and see the issue on our website.

    • Deb Marrott says:

      Hey EmilyCC,
      Sorry to bug you, but I can find no way to contact ExpII directly. I’m a digital subscriber but, despite the my following the directions in the email I received from ExpII, there are no “Digital Items” in my queue. Any ideas?
      Much thanks!

  2. Ziff says:

    Hooray! I got it! Can’t wait to read it!

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