Out of the Best Books (and Movies) #CopingWithCOVID19

Since my public libraries have been closed for our Shelter in Place for almost 3 weeks ago, I’ve not been able to get physical books to read, but I have been looking at the digital offerings my library has. My local library gives us access to Hoopla and Kanopy for free. Hoopla has free ebooks, audiobooks, music, movies, and an especially large collection of graphic novels. Kanopy is a collection of movies, many independent and documentary films. As I was perusing the offerings on Hoopla one day, I ran into a book by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. I was surprised to see her work there! So I looked into what other LDS/Mormon/feministy books and movies there were and I thought I’d share them here in case your library also gives you access to these books and movies. Enjoy for shelter-in-place or as a part of your uplifting Conference weekend.





If you’d like something to complement Conference Weekend, there is a lot of Mormon Tabernacle Choir. If you’d like to listen to something more sacrilegious, The Book of Mormon original Broadway Cast Recording is available, too.


  • Once I was a Beehive, a fictional film about girl’s camp. Jess R mentions it here.
  • 10 Towns that Changed America. This is a PBS film about urban planning that highlights the planning of Salt Lake City.
  • I Had An Abortion. This film is a documentary of 10 women sharing their lives and abortion stories, including Mormon-raised Jenny Egan.
  • Who Does She Think She Is? This documentary follows female artists, including LDS sculptor, Janis Wunderlich.
  • In the Turn. Another documentary! This one is of a 10 year old trans girl who gets into roller derby and learns of the Vagine Regime, an international queer roller derby collective. One of the member of Vagine Regime, Summer Crush, is a former Mormon.
  • Chaplains. Although this is not particularly Mormon, chaplaincy is a calling multiple Exponent bloggers and former bloggers have served in. I thought this documentary might be a soothing option for your shelter-in-place.

Hoopla and Kanopy are what I am most familiar with- but if you have other free media sites that your public libraries offer to you, feel free to share your Mormon and feminist-y findings!


TopHat is putting her roots down in the Bay Area with her husband and three children. She loves the earth, yarn, and bicycling.

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4 Responses

  1. Chiaroscuro says:

    my library uses Overdrive, which sounds like Hoopla. Love it! libraries are the best

    • TopHat says:

      My library has overdrive too, but I don’t like to use it because Overdrive requires you to wait for others to return copies if there is high demand. Hoopla doesn’t- they are always available.

  2. EmilyCC says:

    Oh my gosh! So many good recommendations. Thanks, TopHat!

  1. April 5, 2020

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