
Premier Poll

We’re excited to offer a new feature here at The Exponent! For all you readers out there that may desire to lend your voice to our community but aren’t quite sure how to start joining the conversation, we hope that you’ll take these opportunities to share your thoughts with us. Topics will range from serious to humorous, and the comments can be a place for you to share what you’re thinking about the subjects, or how you feel in addition to your answer. Or you can just submit your answer choice and leave it at that to make your presence known anonymously. However you participate, we want you to feel welcome to honestly explore your thoughts as sisters (and brothers) and we welcome all opinions, respectfully offered. You can even submit your own questions for polling if there is something you would like to know how others feel about.

Please visit the site if you can’t see the poll below.

Corktree is exploring life and spirituality in new ways and new environments while studying midwifery, reiki, yoga, homeopathy, herbology and evolutionary nutrition. She has 3 daughters and one son, which add up to what now feels like an enormous family of 6.


  1. Honestly, I think it’s safe to say that I’m “more” feminist than a lot of the women here – or at least, I have a more progressive and “extreme” definition of feminism than a lot of women here.

  2. Craig, I think you are too. I think that’s the amazing thing about feminism, it needs to expand to all sexes and people. So many men (and women) fear the word and think it only applies to one gender.

  3. I suspect that mainstream Mormons consider me scary radical, and liberal non-Mormons view me as conservative and orthodox. I think of myself as a devoted disciple of Christ, with all of the activism, revolution, and passion that this implies.

  4. Angie – I’m sure that most of my friends outside of the church think that my feminism is tame indeed.

    And I love to think about Jesus as a revolutionary. He certainly wasn’t a status quo type of guy. I may have to blog about that!

  5. When I was in grad school doing feminist work, I loved how we had the whole spectrum of feminism (from the LGBT pagan feminists to the Mormon and Southern Baptist feminists) and it felt like everyone valued and respected each other’s values and opinions. I wish I saw that more outside of school (in respect to feminism) and much more inside the Church.

    And, I’m with Jess, I’m intrigued by the broom closet votes 🙂

  6. One cool side dish in this buffet of a blog (sorry, that was cheesy, but I couldn’t help myself!) is that I have actually thought about where I fit into the feminist spectrum. I would consider myself feminist with a lower case “f”. As much as I would like to be super passionate about it, I’m not. It’s not that I don’t agree with the Feminists (capitol F), I’m just not super passionate about anything. Personality flaw, I guess. But I am content with where I fit in (in this blog).


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