Sacred Music Sunday: All Creatures of Our God and King #CopingWithCOVID19
In the last few weeks, it feels like the world has turned upside down. With the COVID-19 global pandemic, many of us have had to give up large parts of our lives, with no indication of when things will return to normal. Last Sunday, I found myself with a big hole where church used to be.
I sat on my couch with my cat and my roommates’ dogs, and I felt very alone. For all the times I get upset about church culture and about some pulpit rhetoric that fails to live up to the gospel, I do find communal worship to be a comfort, and it’s challenging to have that comfort removed in such trying times.
The pets sat with me, and I saw the hummingbirds sip nectar from the feeder I had hanging outside. I looked into the backyard and saw mourning doves walking across my lawn. Even though I couldn’t praise God with other humans, I could still praise God with other parts of creation.
Until it’s safe for us to gather together again, I’m going to worship with the animals. I’ll join St. Francis of Assisi in his request: “All creatures of our God and King, lift up your voice and with us sing, Alleluia!”
What a beautiful hymn for today. The music and words are uplifting and universally appealing.
Saint Francis started a quiet revolution refocusing humanity on the earth, on the animals, plant life and the all of humanity, especially the sick, the poor, the disadvantaged, and the suffering.
There is much to learn from him and his followers.
I always enjoy your posts, Trudy. Thank you.