Sacred Music Sunday: O God Beyond All Praising

Like most children of the ’80s, I was fascinated by outer space and wanted to be an astronaut. Unlike most children, I was raised primarily on classical music. My dad is a huge classical music aficionado, so my home was filled with it from infancy. CD players were still very new when I was a child. One of the first CDs that we got was Holst’s The Planets. It’s still one of my favorite symphonies. I love how it evokes the majesty and wonder of the heavens.

By NASA, ESA, and A. Simon (Goddard Space Flight Center) – or (Archive), Public Domain,

I was recently introduced to the hymn O God Beyond All Praising, which is set to the Jupiter movement of The Planets. The text is a hymn of praise, and the music adds to the majesty. I’m definitely adding this one to my personal hymnal.


Trudy is a legal professional living in the southwestern US. She has three cats who allow her to live in their house in exchange for a steady supply of food and treats.

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2 Responses

  1. nicolesbitani says:

    This hymn is stunning. Thank you so much for sharing it!

  2. AWMoore says:

    The same music is used for a British patriotic hymn, “I Vow to Thee, My Country.” It was sung at both Princess Diana’s wedding and her funeral.

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