Tagged: 2022 Come Follow Me
Guest Post by Anonymous. Anonymous loves reading, writing, and hiking and lives with her husband and kids. Developed for the June 26, 2022 Come Follow Me YW lesson Why is Chastity Important in God’s...
Here’s how I’d approach the October 24th lesson: Explore what the young women already knowIntroduce the topic by saying that today we will be talking about the powers of heaven. Share what the phrase...
In my opinion, this lesson has the potential either to be deeply affirming and encouraging, or to be utterly alienating. Of course that might be said of any lesson. But when we study the manifestations of...
How Can I Invite All to Come unto Christ? If you are anything like me, then lessons on missionary work set my heart racing and fill me with dread. Maybe it has something to...
To begin this lesson, consider showing your young women the Mormon Messages video “Enduring Love.” After watching this video, ask your girls if they would like to have a marriage like that, someday. Ask...
Who Am I, and Who Can I Become? A Lesson on Heavenly Mother By Meghan I started off by writing the lesson title on the board – “Who Am I, and Who Can I...
Why is Jesus Christ important in my life? Introduce the doctrine Post the following questions: “Who is Jesus Christ?” “What has He done for us?” “How do we know that He lives today?” Invite...
How Can I Show My Gratitude to God? For the lds.org lesson plan, click here. Traducción española/Click for Spanish Translation I love that this lesson plan comes in October, because it gives us...