Tagged: adoption


Guest Post: She Never Writes Back

Guest post by Jennie Loomis, who writes letters to Heavenly Mother on her Instagram account. @letterstomygodmother. She never writes back. Last April, I decided to start writing letters to my Heavenly Mother and post...


Finding Family with DNA Testing

There was a new face at my step-grandmother’s funeral—another Nordic face, like my step-grandma and her children and grandchildren. He had never met my step-grandmother, but in the few days after her death and...


Do You Believe in Santa?

I looked at the man in the Santa suit and figured this perpetuation-of-Santa jig of mine was at an end. He was one of the workers at the after school care centre that my...


A Perfect Mother

In honor of National Adoption Month For me the catchiest tune in primary is “The Family is of God.” I can’t get it out of my head. Along with the tune come images of...


Birth/Rebirth: Adoption Story

Guest Post by Susan My oldest daughter asked me to tell about the adoption of her sister. The names in the story have been changed to protect my adopted daughter’s privacy. A little background...