Guest Post: The Conception of my Inner Voice
Guest Post by Amy. Amy enjoys reading, hiking in the mountains, and learning alongside her three children and husband in Orem, Utah. My oldest child is turning 11 soon. Every year around his birthday,...
Guest Post by Amy. Amy enjoys reading, hiking in the mountains, and learning alongside her three children and husband in Orem, Utah. My oldest child is turning 11 soon. Every year around his birthday,...
Guest Post by Nicole Sbitani. Nicole is an adult convert, a non-Black woman of color, and a professional diplomat. She blogs at and writes microfiction @nsbitani on Twitter. The content of this post...
Guest Post by Anonymous. The author is a returned missionary and BYU alum. She is currently a writer and SAHM. A few years ago, my husband and I decided it was time to have...
Family / Gospel / Relationships
by Chiaroscuro · Published September 4, 2016 · Last modified April 9, 2019
Mother Eve faced two incompatible directives – “to multiply and replenish the earth, that you may have joy and rejoicing in your posterity” and “of the tree of the knowledge of good and...
by Caroline For centuries in the Western world self-sacrifice, as opposed to self-love, has been viewed as an ethical virtue. In serving and loving others, the traditional argument goes, one acts selflessly...
by G The painting shown here is one I did just before I got intentionally pregnant with our son. I found myself using art making to process some of the ambiguity I felt about...
Family / feminism / Gender / women
by Mraynes · Published September 1, 2008 · Last modified January 21, 2016
By: mraynes I will be giving birth to my second child in a matter of days. Along with the overwhelming joy I feel at having another little person to love and, of course, finally...
By Zenaida One Sunday after a council meeting, my bishop brought up a recent study on the effect of birth control on women’s ability to select a mate. The study posits that women are...