Tagged: comfort


The Comforter

A familiar trope of the travelogue testimony is a narrative of a visit to a distant ward or branch, and how that meeting felt wonderful, even if (or especially if) the speaker could not...


A blessing for when things fall apart

I wrote this blessing for a friend earlier this summer, but it is for you if you need it too. It is written along the theme of Alice Walker’s Hard Times Require Furious Dancing....


Memories from a Recipe: Chocolate Cake

This past Sunday morning, I got a text from a friend. Her husband had died unexpectedly of a heart attack that morning. He was 48. I offered what I always offer when a death...


A Golden Thread

Remember when we were children? Remember how sometimes when we were sad we stopped what we were doing, plunked ourselves down in the dirt or on the grass and just cried? We didn’t have...