Tagged: food storage


Floral Handkerchiefs

I was a tomboy as a kid. If there was a tree, I climbed it. If there was a bug, I caught it. I kept snails as pets. I was practically allergic to pink,...

From "A Wide and Extensive Sphere of Action" to "Guardians of the Hearth" in 129 years. What does the future hold? 31

Ordination is the Answer to Correlation

In 1906, Joseph F. Smith initiated the first churchwide correlation effort, with the goal that there would “not be so much necessity for work that is now being done by the auxiliary organizations  because it will be done by the regular quorum of the Priesthood.”...


Guest Post: Butterscotch Chips and Eggs

by Spunky I attend the Emerald Branch in Central Queensland, Australia. If you have been watching the international news, you would have seen that Emerald is 80% submerged in flood water and is considered...