Tagged: Gospel Principles
This post is adapted from a talk shared in my ward’s hybrid In-Person Sacrament Meeting/Online Devotional. The bible teaches us that in the early Christian church, the disciples were “of one heart and one...
By Veronika Tait Growing up, I falsely heard that people with dark skin were fence-sitters in the pre-existence. That is, as spirits before birth, I was taught that dark-skinned people were not as committed...
Article of Faith #2 has always been my favorite. Even with my recurring doubts that “men” really means “human beings” in this case. The obvious inequity in the reproductive zone aside, I clung to...
Our new prophet, President Nelson, in a Facebook post clarifying his press conference address, sorted living situations into two categories: unideal and other. Sure, he made up a new word for the one group,...
This seems like a lesson where it would be very very easy to get bogged down by nit-picky details like, “What exactly, is the difference between the 3 kingdoms? What kind of people end...
Looking forward to the Savior’s Second Coming The people at the time of Christ were familiar with prophesies about Christ, but they were sometimes confused, not understanding that He would come in glory and...
Guest Post by ZD Eve Introduction I might begin this lesson by making the point that judgment is a part of a life. We’re judged by the teachers who grade us, by the employers...
by Aimee I must admit my practical bias in teaching any church lesson: How do these teachings influence our thinking to help us become better people now? For me, finding what is at the...