Tagged: humility


Guest Post: When Asking for Forgiveness

CW: child abuse and neglect by Anonymous Members of my extended family feel a special bond with Brad, my nephew. He has an infectious smile, intelligence, empathy, and an eye for seeing the beauty in...


All’s Not Well in Zion

This week I had a chance to meet with my friend Melissa for lunch. Melissa stopped attending church 10 years ago. She thought her family was finally adapted to her different feelings about church,...


Relief Society Lesson 18: Beware of Pride

Traducción española/Click for Spanish Translation You may find the manual lesson, here. Introduction In Ezra Taft Benson’s first conference talk as President of the Church, he spoke on the relationship between pride and humility,...

General Women's Meeting 1

Sacred Music: “Be strong! Stand up! Lead out!”

In a few weeks, Mormon women will attend General Women’s Meeting.  This will be the first General Women’s Meeting in many years, but not the first ever.  The return to the old  format has...