Tagged: loss


One eternal round.

by LMA December 2019 There are two poems in “I Gave Her a Name” that I often think of. The first is called “Lost” and describes some of the precious things Heavenly Mother has...


Poetry Sundays: Elizabeth Bishop

One Art The art of losing isn’t hard to master; so many things seem filled with the intent to be lost that their loss is no disaster. Lose something every day. Accept the fluster...


body and blood and tears in church

by G When I stopped attending the LDS church last year I started visiting  other local worship services and I found myself in the embarrassing situation of weeping in public.  (Two Sundays in a...


On my first-ever website, this was my bio: “I have lost my right leg, my left earlobe, and my father to cancer. My favorite color is red.” I felt, back then, that detailing these...