Tagged: ordinances


Guest Post: These Are They Who Are of The Terrestrial

Guest Post by Nicole Sbitani. Nicole is an adult convert, a woman of color, and a professional diplomat. She blogs at nandm.sbitani.com and writes microfiction @nsbitani on Twitter. The content of this post does...


The Temple is More than a Milestone

Guest Post by Nicole Sbitani. Nicole is an adult convert, a non-Black woman of color, and a professional diplomat. She blogs at nandm.sbitani.com and writes microfiction @nsbitani on Twitter. The content of this post...


Ordinances that are performed by women

We talk so much about the priesthood and ordinances at Church, and we usually connect the two together. Since only men are given the priesthood, ordinances are always associated with men (with the exception...


Updated Relief Society Declaration

The lds.org website changed this last week, with an update to the Relief Society Declaration.  Obviously a lot has been cut, it’s much shorter. Let’s see the differences between the old and new versions,...


The Sealed Book

How many men and women are allowed to read Church Handbook of Instruction Volume 1 (CHIv1) of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? Within the introduction of CHIv1, there is a...