Tagged: pride


The Body is Political: Part 6

There have been a lot of calls for reconciliation, for meeting in the middle. We’ve become too divided, they protest, and we need to set aside our political differences. But I don’t want to meet in the middle with oppressors.


Love is a verb

In the last month I unfortunately encountered a number of posts from members of the Church quoting scriptures about the dangers of pride, drawing the conclusion that pride month must be inherently sinful –...


Relief Society Lesson 18: Beware of Pride

Traducción española/Click for Spanish Translation You may find the manual lesson, here. Introduction In Ezra Taft Benson’s first conference talk as President of the Church, he spoke on the relationship between pride and humility,...

Sermon on the Mount 5

Relief Society Lesson #1, “Living What We Believe”

Guest Post by Eve Eve blogs at http://zelophehadsdaughters.com/ President Smith’s Creed The beginning of the lesson describes George Albert Smith writing his own personal creed, which took the form of eleven resolutions to live...