Tagged: sports


Church Ball: An Essay by My 12-Year-Old Self

Now that I am an adult with a public health degree and a passion for women’s rights, I have developed a heartfelt appreciation for competitive sports opportunities for girls. That doesn’t change the fact...


Play Ball!

My first experience with team sports was playing on my ward Young Women softball team at age twelve. I was hopelessly clumsy.  Whenever I hit the ball, which was certainly never a given, I...

The Makers 13

Makers: Women Who Make America

A new PBS documentary outlines the history of the feminist movement in the United States of America from mid-20th century to present. I haven’t seen it yet, but I have heard some rave reviews. I...


Some Fun

Some fun, some girl power, some Christmas spirit, some vampires…hopefully, something for everyone. Merry Christmas!


Guest Post: Fighting for Equality

by Nate Curtis Combat sports are violent, unfettered competitions that are often the shortest athletic competitions in professional sports because the physical exertion of both beating another human being into submission while at the...