Tagged: work


I won’t do it myself!

The story of the little red hen is the story of an underdog. She is the heroine we are supposed to root for – we support her independent, pull yourself up by your bootstraps,...


Careers and the LDS Woman

I am a professional organizer.  (Yes, I do this for a living.)  This weekend I organized a conference for Professional Organizers.  It’s been intense. In my job, I organize people’s homes, pantries, offices, attics,...


The work of Christmas

Yesterday I read this piece by fellow blogger Jana and it really struck a chord.  She observed that most of the work to make Christmas magical is done by women, but ultimately the credit...


No Caveats Attached

by Naomi Watkins Good Mormon women do not get PhDs. Mormon men do not marry highly educated women. You really don’t ever want to be a wife and a mother, do you? Having one...