The Exponent II blog begins!

Welcome to the Exponent II blog. We have begun this blog in an effort to support the Exponent II magazine, which for years has provided a forum for Mormon women to openly and compassionately share their diverse experiences with each other. Begun in 1974 in the midst of the Women’s Movement, this independent Mormon women’s magazine continues to feature personal essays which often highlight women’s concerns.

Just as the Exponent II frequently quoted and republished original articles from The Women’s Exponent, this blog will frequently feature seminal articles from the Exponent II. We hope that LDS women and Exponent II readers will share their insights and reactions so that we might empower each other through our diverse experiences.


Jana is a university administrator and teaches History. Her soloblog is

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13 Responses

  1. Mike says:

    The blog looks great! Good job Caroline and John!

    My two cents… Posting past Exponent II articles is what will make this blog unique, so don’t stop doing that. But I do think that having people post on current topics or interests will be important for the blog to survive.

  2. Dora says:

    I’m so glad that this project is underway. I think this is an excellent way to reach out to a new population. that is increasingly less dependent on a paper-based medium, and who want to interact on a more immediate basis. Women across the country will be able to participate in discussions about relevant issues at work, school and home. Bravi!

  3. LisaB says:

    Glad to see you create an online presence beyond the web page. I’ll be sure to check here regularly for discussions of interest to link to the readers of Feminist Mormon Housewives.

  4. Barbara T says:

    Hip, Hip, Hooray! Three cheers for Caroline and John for bringing Exponent II into the new century. I look forward to being a regular visitor and poster….maybe. Let the dialogue begin.

  5. jana says:

    Good job Caroline!! 🙂 [And John, too, of course!!

  6. fMhLisa says:

    Whoo Hoo! Great job. I’m so excited for you.

  7. EmilyS says:

    Congratulations and welcome! Hooray for more “safe” places for Mormon women to discuss oh-so-many things.

  8. danithew says:

    Looks good! I look forward to reading posts here.

  9. Deborah says:

    Terrific! I had heard this was in the works, and am thrilled to see y’all made it happen.

  10. Aimee "Roo" says:

    what a great idea! i have never even heard of the exponent. thank you for doing this.

  11. b bowen says:

    thrilled. good to have this.

  12. Eve says:

    You’ve done an excellent job with this blog, Caroline and John. I’m looking forward to lots of interesting reading and discussion.

  13. CattCady says:

    I understand the reacton to Boyd K. Pcker’s talk about homosexualtiy. I understand the thousands picketing. What I don’t understand is “ain’t I a member?” Where is the outrage about Dallin Oaks talk about the Priesthood being in charge? Over half of the membership of the church is denied full fellowship because they are “born a woman.” I find it interesting that there is so much outrage about homosexuality and none–no demonstrators–not even a sneeze about the fact that woman are denied the power that runs the church based on one thing. . . not spirituality or religiousity or capable adult thought—but simply because they are born a woman God does not communicate with them in the same way. God wants his male children to develop doctrine and trust that women will continue to accept their second class status. Where are the people lying end-to-end of that one? Seriously, are we all so brain dead or might I say brainwashed, that we can’t see the discrimination? How is it different than homosexuals, not to mention that we “really” only care about “gays” who are generally thought of as male homosexuals. Are we really not interested in organized discrimination?