The Exponent Nurtured My Soul


This post comes to us from Barbara Taylor, former managing editor and president of Exponent II.

If someone had asked me if I was a feminist when I moved to the Boston area in 1981, I would have responded, “No” thinking their question was silly. Then I was introduced to the amazing Exponent II women and their fabulous magazine and realized I had always been a feminist!

The next thirty-five years were spent joyfully supporting the work of this life-changing organization – I don’t write so I organize! Though I was slow to realize my own “warrior self” for most of that time, the women of Exponent lovingly, patiently supported me and provided much needed guidance and strength.

When you ask how Exponent changed my life, I can’t imagine where I would be and what I would be doing if it weren’t for the amazing insight and authenticity of the women/men who write for and support the publication. Their willingness to share their stories and life experience in great part allowed me to pursue my path, not the path that I felt compelled to follow.

At the age of sixty I left a 40 year marriage, moved across the country and started a new life for myself. The pages of Exponent are filled with thought provoking articles about real people who have overcome or who are struggling with real issues. The open, honest dialogue was an inspiration for me to take the opportunity to do that for myself. As I go to the Retreat and listen to the many younger women (though it doesn’t take much to be younger than me) talk about their struggles I have empathy for them, but also know they have a friend in Exponent II. Every three months they can open her pages and she’ll nurture their souls, just like she has done for me these many years.

Any donation given Sunday, May 22nd will be matched by a generous donor! Please consider giving to Exponent II today.

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4 Responses

  1. EmilyC says:

    Thank you for all your time and dedication to Exponent, Barbara! I don’t know where this organization would be (or if it would still be without your time and dedication)!

  2. Heather says:

    Love this Barbara. You’ve always been an example of strength and compassion. Thank you.

  3. Ziff says:

    I like the bit about your conversion to feminism in particular. That’s how I was converted too. It just took some patient explanation and I realized that feminism aligned with ideals I already held.

  4. Ellen Patton says:

    I’m so glad I met you through Exp II!!! You’re the best!

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