My theology is changing
Finding the God within, the God without
Mother, Father, Creator, Friend,
Mountains beyond my soap bubble
And also within.
Because we *are* God.
The guide inside is God
The light, the wisdom, the part that watches
Is God.
And the me that is God
is curious (and kind).
Insatiably curious (endlessly kind).
Like a babe finding her toes.
Bottomless wonder
Endless delight.
Existence is a gift;
My worship is dance and wonder and beauty
Sensation, taste, awe.
The God in me is waiting,
Urgently, pressingly, lustily waiting
To smell a sunrise
To dance in waves
To read and breathe and taste.
Where is virtue in abstinence?
God-me swims and cries and plays.
Conscious. I am conscious.
Goodness is born of knowing
The sparrow’s fall
The weight of ink.
To dive into being, a willing witness
A whole and broken member
This is the meaning of life.
You have put words to how I feel. Thank you for this gift
Beautiful and thought provoking. I love claiming those self made theologies. They are so authentic.