Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-19
- An interesting look at what the SlutWalk protests mean about the future of feminism: #
- at nine moons, @mfranti wonders how good LDS folk can treat people this way -> No Room For Your Kind in this Family #
- you really really must go see Sunstone on the iPad. It is just lovely. #
- RT @janaremy: The comments on this post about Mormons & suicide are so worth reading: #LDS #
- a call for papers: BYU's women's studies Invites proposals for the conference: WOMEN AND CREATIVITY. Details -> #
- intriguing: a new LDS sex blog: The Mormon Missionary Position #
- The Daily Kos takes issue with an Ensign article about defending traditional families: #
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I wish there were a SlutWalk near me 🙁
me, too, Macha. But I’m sorta thinking SLC is not likely to be host to a SlutWalk.
Thanks for the link to the Daily Kos to remind me why I no longer subscribe to the Ensign.