Virtual Oases
(We are resurrecting our popular feature “Virtual Oases,” which Deborah did such a great job with for so many years. Now Violadiva has volunteered to collect the best of the web for Mormon feminists over the last week or two. Please feel free to share your own links to outstanding posts or articles in the comment section below.)
- An impressive summary of what’s transpired between Kate Kelly, her local leaders, and the Church PR department, with some helpful historical context and tons of imbedded links to follow for more details. He doesn’t mention the statement from the First Presidency, so you may want to check out Peggy’s article for that missing chapter.
- Peggy Fletcher Stack has written extensively about recent events, and gathered many quotes from the women involved. Here is a piece about what more “Moderate Feminists” want to see happening in the church. And another about other feminists facing church discipline.
- Rather than speaking through the church PR representatives this time, The First Presidency released a letter about priesthood and apostasy. And here’s a thought-provoking response from Casey, (with attention to point 4).
- Three statements we (and our daughters!) can use to challenge sexism and “mansplaining.”
- Mormon modesty rhetoric gone horribly wrong: college age Mormons and sexual violence.
- Rounding out the list with some excellent alternative literary forms: a poignant parable, a prayer, a poem, and ascreenplay.
Thanks so much for doing this, Violadiva! I don’t have time to read everything on the blogs, so this is so helpful in pointing me toward great posts and articles for Mormon feminists. I love these links.
Oh, and here’s one that I thought was helpful in illuminating both sides of the excommunication of Kate Kelly debate. An interview with David Holland about Mormonism, gender, and the excommunication.
Yay, I’m so glad the Virtual Oases is back! Thank you for doing this! And thank you for compiling all of these articles, it will be very important for our history to document what has happened.
This was really great for me too. I just don’t have time to read everything so it is nice to have this layout of some of the most important things to read. Thank you!
Hooray! I’m really happy that y’all are bringing this feature back. Go, Violadiva!
I didn’t realize how much I missed this feature until I opened this post. Virtual Oases, indeed!
Thanks, Violadiva!
Thanks for the validation, friends! I knew all of that time sitting, rocking, and nursing the baby while combing through the collective brainchild that is the Facebook link sharing feature would be a win-win-win. Some good ones coming up next week 🙂