Virtual Oases
Have extra reading time on your hands this weekend? Here’s a round up of some links and stories to catch up on.
- Heavenly Mother’s Day: many places in the bloggernacle paid tribute to Heavenly Mother this month. A must-read transcript of Jason’s Mother’s Day Sacrament meeting portrays Jesus as laboring woman; nursing as prayer; God as midwife; vulnerability and sacrificial love as the path to freedom and birth. Another excellent talk by Avan over at fMH could be used in wards for 5th Sunday, Presidency messages, FHE groups, and Youth activities, serves as a healthy and positive way to introduce (or strengthen) members’ familiarity with the feminine Divine. Our friends over at Mormon Women Project have done beautiful work incorporating the Feminine Divine into Sunday school lessons here and here. Think that Mother’s day is just for mothers? Check here for Meredith’s perspectives about teaching children healthy ideals about motherhood. And for more reading about Heavenly Mother, make sure to check the Exponent series archive: Heavenly Mother’s Day.
- After President Obama made comments about the issued statements about Trans-friendly bathrooms, Utah joined the coalition of states suing the Obama administration over the policy. Some school districts claim they will not obey the policy. (Gasp! Insubordination to their leader’s authority!) Should we be worried about sharing bathrooms with Trans people? Dr. Julie Hanks gives 10 reasons why not, and explains the difference between sharing a place to use the potty versus keeping our children safe from sexual predators.
- As a way to stay safe from mosquito borne illnesses, some sister missionaries will be allowed to wear dress slacks some of the time!
- Sheryl Sandburg, COO of Facebook, gives an inspiring speech at UC Berkeley about dealing with her husband’s death, and encourages graduates to find resilience through three P’s: Personalization, Pervasiveness, and Permanence.
- The news, personal stories and tragedies, as well as opinions and essays about the recent coverage of rape cases going unreported at BYU has brought out some important writing about gender based violence, the BYU honor code, religion and crime. Don’t miss Kristine Haglund’s thorough analysis and summary. An ethical examination of the policy by Austin Millet relating the current issues to themes from Les Miserables. And BYU wants to hear from you! They’ve opened a survey to gather suggestions about how they handle sex assault cases. With local and national news coverage bringing personal stories to the front pages of many news organizations, the church newsroom blog weighed in to express their displeasure at not being to comment on the stories. Yes, they put quotes around “rape culture.” Michael Austin thinks they should lose the scare quotes. And hawkgrrl just lays it all out, nice and easy for everyone to understand. A little tongue-in-cheek, Julie Smith offers a stingingly humorous gender reversal to common victim blaming statements about how we can Keep our Boys Safe. But please don’t miss the very sincere and vulnerable sharing of stories by victims and survivors of sexual assaults on BYU campus, and otherwise. And Natasha offers suggestions for help and healing.
Great news round up! Thanks.