Virtual Oases, June 24
- From Mormon Momma: “The Young Women’s President is addicted to Diet Coke. You have problem with that?”
- Julie Smith compares the CES manual’s account of the Mountain Meadows Massacre with the new Ensign article.
- Kage strives for a more earth-friendly life: “It’s not easy being green”
- FMH debates one aspect of Claudia Bushman’s podcast (see our post for more discussion). Money quote from FMHLisa: “Everyone’s enthusiastic about lip service on the importance of motherhood, but when it comes to acknowledging and accommodating the work and sacrifices of motherhood with functional and meaningful changes, all we get is (nearly universal) dismissal.”
- Want a current, non-LDS illustration of her point? Read this article from the Boston Globe!
And just because: Street Art