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Virtual Oases, October 28

  1. Celibate in the City: Young Women Rewind
  2. Another history gem from Ardis
  3. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich in the Deseret News
  4. Soldier, Nurse, Pageant Queen
  5. Quimby: The Dance of Death
  6. Eve on Religion and the University
  7. Church unveils a new media campaign (note the diversity). Article about it here.
  8. MoTab Choir auditions profiled in NYtimes
  9. If you liked Jana’s picture of the moon, you’ll like this essay.
  10. Four posts on aspects of motherhood:

Just Because:
Take away message: “As long as parents are exposing their children to a nurturing, vibrant environment, reading to them regularly, and speaking with them intelligently, they should feel free to put the flash cards away.”

I’ve read every book quoted in this article, sat through lectures by Sax and Gurien, run all-boy advisory groups, and currently teach at an all-girls school. The truth, I believe, is somewhere in the middle of the hyperbole and selective studies and statistics. I found this article interesting but flawed — the single-gender classroom debate is not about learning capacity, but learning environment.


Deborah is K-12 educator who nurtures a healthy interest in reading, writing, running, ethics, mystics, and interfaith dialogue.

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No Responses

  1. tracy m says:

    I’m so glad they grabbed Betty from the PBS documentary for the new ads! That made my day.

  2. Azúcar says:

    Ha! I know my kid is intelligent so to read this article and be affirmed in my instincts to throw away the “academic” toys and flashcards, makes me happy.

    Also, did I tell you that my husband has a single-gender class at his public school? It’s a math class for at-risk boys. I think he’s really liking it.

  3. swedemom says:

    Thank you! Thank you ! Thank you! Thanks for posting the link to the Boston Globe article.

  4. Deborah says:

    You are very welcome — anything to make parenthood a little more sane.

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