Virtual Oases: The M-Day Edition
- Check out Post-Secret’s ‘“Mother’s Day Secrets”
- Jana posts Julia Ward Howe’s Mother’s Day Proclamation for Peace . . . and these mothers in Boston march to end the violence that’s stealing their children
- This mother lost her son in 9/11 — and funneled her grief into funding education for girls in Afghanistan
- Ana’s tribute to those who mother in joy and grief
- Various Stages of Mormondom is back up and running (maybe for a while, but I just noticed. . . ) — and their mom-themed week produced several intriguing posts.
- If you are in Utah: “New Museum exhibit honors legacy of women in LDS church”
- Heather O directed me to this beautiful article about adoption and choosing love.
- Kathy’s essay on the birth of her first child
- The Baby Whisperer — no, not that one
- I was a little miffed to see this tag-line for a recent Meridian article: “Deborah was one of the judges of Israel. But the role that was important to her was not that of a judge. She thought of herself as a mother.” Modern culture wars imposed upon one of the strongest women in scripture? Puh-lease. Fortunately, the article itself is somewhat better than the tag-line. Click here for my tribute to my namesake: prophetess, judge, general, and yes — the original Mother in Israel.
- And just because: Who says you can’t judge a book by its cover?
Deborah, I loved the post about your namesake the first time around, and I loved reading it again.
The virtual oasis is a treat that I eagerly await each Sunday!
Thanks, Amy!
Those book covers were a delight! I remember wandering through the Provo Library as a child/young adult, selecting books that had the most interesting covers. Totally lame way to judge a book, but being a visual learner, I can’t help but get drawn in, or turned off, by cover art.
D- Speaking of books and covers, what is the URL for your great young adult fiction website? I want to read the vampire series you wrote about a while back.
Twilight, by Stephenie Meyer