Virtual Oases X etc.

This weekend was too beautiful, too new, too colorful, too alive to spend much time at the computer. I made grass whistles with my nieces and pushed swings in the park. Last year’s Easter gave us rain and cold — funny how sunshine can make all the difference in even my form of worship
Given the High Holiday, the blog was appropriately quiet, and I’m behind in posting this round-up. Here it is, better late than never — a weekly round-up of LDS women’s voices on the web . . . (a shorter version than usual, due to aforementioned outdoor joy).

And please go back and visit these two Exponent posts from last week (here and here) — we’d love to hear your thoughts . . .


Deborah is K-12 educator who nurtures a healthy interest in reading, writing, running, ethics, mystics, and interfaith dialogue.

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