Welcome, New Permas!

The Exponent blog is elated to welcome SIX new permas to our ranks! Exponent-21-200x300We are thrilled to be a place for established and upcoming Mormon feminist writers to share their hearts, lives and talents. Please join with us in welcoming these fabulous women and the breadth and voice they bring to our beloved blog.

Amy: I am a mother, a writer, a dreamer, a hopeless romantic, an opera singer, a reader, a researcher, a lover of Jesus, a Mormon, and a feminist. I began my Mormon feminist blogging with Young Mormon Feminists and am very excited to be joining the Exponent. The Exponent Relief Society lessons were among my very first introduction to Mormon Feminism. I was impressed by the depth of thought and the attention to the experience of women in the Church. I’m an American currently live in Canada. I spend my days taming toddler tantrums and kissing boo boos and wouldn’t have it any other way. (A previous Exponent post by Amy is RS Lesson 4: Strengthening and Preserving the Family)


Cruelest Month: I’m an Aries social worker that recently relocated to Utah from California. I’m a political activist, reader, hiker, indie rock lover, and newbie boxer. (Previous posts by Cruelest Month are Cruelest Month and Just Like Daisy Duke.)


East River Lady: I’m 22 years old and graduated from BYU two weeks ago with a bachelor’s degree in Public Health. I’ll be returning to my hometown of New York City in the fall where I’ll be interning at a non-profit that specializes in working with drug addicts and sex workers. I am currently single and attending a conservative–– but highly accepting–– YSA ward in Provo. Hobbies include Netflix-ing, knitting, eating, and reading, and attempting to be domestic. (Previous posts by East River Lady are BYU a Feminist Reflection and The Miracle of Forgiveness.)


Jenny: I graduated from BYU with a bachelors degree in Humanities.  I stay home with my four kids.  Besides my family, my three great loves in life are reading, writing, and running.  I have an emergency book in just about every room in my house just in case I might have a spare moment with nothing to do, or at least nothing I want to do.  I am also training for my first full marathon which I hope to run in August.  I currently live in Pocatello, Idaho. (Previous posts from Jenny are A Hard Matter To Get Right and Auto Pilot to Heaven.)


Jess R: I am a full time graduate student in developmental psychology. When I’m not busy with school (which is rare) I love baking, movies, and swimming. I teach Sunday School in my YSA branch and usually love it. (Previous posts by Jess R are Baptism as Rebirth and Learning a Lesson.)


Liz:  I am a wife, mother of four, certified birth doula, and the new co-director of the Mormon Women’s Oral History Project!  I live in the Midwest and enjoy reading, gardening, baking, and eating whatever I just baked.  (Previous posts by Liz are Excerpt from an Easter Sermon, Birth/Rebirth: Bring Them Home, and The Rituals We (Still) Perform.)





Spunky lives in Queensland, Australia. She loves travel and aims to visit as many church branches and wards in the world as possible.

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12 Responses

  1. Aimee says:

    It is such a joy to have you all with us! You all seem to be engaged in such an interesting variety of work and your voices will be a very welcome addition to this space and a long Exponent tradition. I cannot wait to get to know you better through your writing. Welcome!

  2. Heather says:

    Thrilled to have you here! Looking forward to reading you all in the future.

  3. Em says:

    So excited to have you on board!

  4. Rachel says:

    I am so glad you are here. Each and every one of you.

  5. Libby says:

    . . . and you’re all AMAZING. So glad to have you!

  6. Molly says:

    I look forward to future posts from all of you! I’m commenting for shameless personal reasons: Liz, I’m just finishing up my own oral history and my mother’s. Is the Oral History Project still accepting submissions? I had heard they were through maybe June… Will you let me know? Thank you! And thank you all for your words. They’re like letters from home…

  7. April says:

    I am so excited to have all of these fresh voices join our ranks! Welcome!

  8. EmilyCC says:

    How did we get so lucky to get so many new permas with such diversity? Delighted to have you all!

  9. Ziff says:

    Hooray! I look forward to even more awesomeness from a blog that is, let’s face it, already pretty much too wonderful to be believed. 🙂

  10. X2 Dora says:

    So excited to read and know you all!

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